Send flowers to the service of Myrtle Foust. Send flowers to the service of Willie Nora McCoy. Mr Frederick Etien Sales, 48, was born on Wednesday,November 20, 1974 and departed this life on Wednesday,December 21, 2022. We have a wide selection of caskets, vaults, liners, urns, and clothing to fit every budget. In this effort, he enlisted the aid of Lewis Bobby Feggins, an embalmer & funeral director from Wake Forest, N.C. and Joseph A. Barnes, who had operated Barnes Funeral Home in the mid to late 1950s. For Customer Service please call: 1-888-610-8262. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home. Plant a Tree David Mark Hilliard August 30, 1970 - February 22, 2023 Subscribe to Obituaries. Obituary Listing; Learn About Online Memorials; Our Services. Click a candle below to add a candle to your message. Page was born April 11, 1955, to the late Zeb Boyd Page, Jr. and Mabel Hunt Page of Durham, North Carolina. Welcome to Clements Funeral & Cremation Services When you have experienced the loss of a loved one, you can trust us to guide you through the arrangements necessary to create a meaningful ceremony that celebrates the unique life being honored. For Customer Service please call: 1-888-610-8262. TEL: 919-598-8496 FAX: 919-598-8476 Flowers are delivered by the preferred local florist of Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. Wake at New Calvary Church, 3024 Burton Rd., Durham, on Saturday, September 3, 2022 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. 2502 NC-55, Durham, NC Traditional service, Funeral service, Cremation, Shipping, International Shipping, Pre-arrangements, Grief support, Personalized service, Printing, Transport, Limousine, Caskets & Vaults & Urns and more products, Provide a notary Website Authorize original obituaries for this funeral home All acts of kindness are appreciated during this difficult time. To leave a condolence message, add photos, or add videos, please login with your name and email. Funeral Home, Inc. 2502 NC Highway 55 Durham, NC 27713. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. A funeral service will be held on Wednesday, March 1st 2023 at 1:00 PM at the same location. He was preceded in death by his father. Flowers are delivered by the preferred local florist of Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. Holloway's Funeral Home Obituaries. All acts of kindness are appreciated during this difficult time. . Durham NC 27701. Visit Obituary Mr. Walker Jenkins, Jr. Jan 23, 2023 Visit Obituary Mr. Bobby Louis Lawrence Jan 10, 2023 Visit Obituary Mrs. Lucille Anita Bell Williams Dec 27, 2022 Visit Obituary Mr. Carlton Dale McNair Dec 31, 2022 Visit Obituary Mrs. Gladys Fowler VanHook Watson Dec 26, 2022 Visit Obituary Mr. Charles Edward Daye Dec 25, 2022 Visit Obituary Masks are to be worn and social distancing recommended at all gatherings with family and friends. His service will be held at 1:00 pm on Friday, March, 3, 2023 at Cain's Chapel. Funeral Home, Inc. 2502 NC Highway 55 Durham, NC 27713. We are a full-service funeral home specializing in: Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | site by. Visitation and funeral services will be held at Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, 2502 NC Hwy 55, Durham, NC on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. Leave a message of condolence while browsing through obituaries and death notices for current and past services being held at our funeral home. We are a full-service funeral home specializing in: Traditional and Personalized Funeral Services, Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | site |Email Login | PastOBITS|ObitLOGIN. DURHAM - Mr. Kenneth George Page, 67, of Durham passed away on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at home surrounded by his loving family after losing a seven-month long battle to cancer. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. David K. Tillery. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC Obituaries. Our professional and caring staff takes pride in providing high quality and affordable funeral services that meet the special needs of your family. Visitation and Funeral services will also be held at New Calvary Church on Sunday, September 4, 2022, visitation service from 2:00 to 3:00 PM, funeral service at 3:00 PM. For Customer Service please call: 1-888-610-8262. Durham, North Carolina - Mr. George Martin Holloway, 98, of Durham NC, died on May 7, 2022 at the Hock Family Pavilion in Durham NC. Burthey Funeral Services Obituaries. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | site by. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. To leave a condolence message, add photos, or add videos, please login with your name and email. Offer words of sympathy and comfort, share a memory or light a candle. February 23, 2023. Funeral service will be held at Peace Missionary Baptist Church on Wednesday, February 1, 2023, visitation with family and friends from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, funeral service at 12:00 pm. Flowers are delivered by the preferred local florist of Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. For Customer Service please call: 1-888-610-8262 . All acts of kindness are appreciated during this difficult time. WELCOME TO Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. Our professional and caring staff takes pride in providing high quality and affordable funeral services that meet the special needs of your family. Offer words of sympathy and comfort, share a memory or light a candle. Local, 919.598.8496. . All acts of kindness are appreciated during this difficult time. Obituaries. Visit Obituary Funeral service will be held on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at Mt Calvary United Church of Christ 1715 Athens Ave., Durham, NC visitation from 11:00 to 11:30 am, funeral service 11:30 am. TEL: 919-598-8496 FAX: 919-598-8476 Obituary For James W. Lawson Mr. James W. Lawson, 69, was born on Wednesday, February 11,1963 and departed this life on Saturday, December 31, 2022. In April 1972, James passed after an extended illness. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. offers a full line of quality funeral services. Soon after the death of James, Ralph, James brother, decided to continue the tradition of Holloway Funeral Home. EMAIL US . Funeral service will be held at Holloway Memorial Funeral Home on Thursday, January 5, 2023 from 12:00 to 2:00 PM. To leave a condolence message, add photos, or add videos, please login with your name and email. Mrs. Myrtle Foust, 88, was born on Tuesday, February 5, 1935 and departed this life on Tuesday, February 21, 2023. All acts of kindness are appreciated during this difficult time. Click a candle below to add a candle to your message. Holloway's Funeral Home of Belton has provided professional and specialized funeral services in our community for Four Generations. Pricing Recent Obituaries History Contact Florist Options Recent Obituaries History Contact Florist Options Mr. Wake at New Calvary Church, 3024 Burton Rd., Durham, on Saturday, September 3, 2022 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Funeral service will be held at Holloway Memorial Funeral Home on Thursday, January 5, 2023 from 12:00 to 2:00 PM. Mrs. Willie Nora McCoy, 87, was born on Friday, June 7, 1935 and departed this life on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. Flowers are delivered by the preferred local florist of Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. To leave a condolence message, add photos, or add videos, please login with your name and email. Mr. Isiah Medlin, 87, was born on Saturday, January 25, 1936 and departed this life on Sunday, February 19, 2023. . FAQ's | Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC | 919-598-8496 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 3 Why should I plan a funeral for my loved one? Funerals are held for the living to show respect for the dead and to help survivors begin the grief process. Click a candle below to add a candle to your message. View obituary. February 23, 2023 A full obituary is currently pending. We offer innovative programs such as our prearrangement funeral/cremation planning, or pre-need counseling which offers you a free guide to Planning Ahead. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | site |Email Login | PastOBITS|ObitLOGIN. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc.offers a full line of quality funeral services. Visitation and funeral services will be held at Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, 2502 NC Hwy 55, Durham, NC on Wednesday, January 11, 2023. Funeral Home, Inc. 2502 NC Highway 55 Durham, NC 27713. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. . Send flowers to the service of Isiah Medlin. With an excellent staff, a positive attitude, and increased emphasis on flexibility in service options, Holloway Memorial Funeral Home Plans to remain as one of North Carolinas oldest independent, family owned funeral homes. Funeral homes curate a final ceremony that provides space for guests to begin the journey . In March of 1997, the funeral home moved to its present location, at 2502 Apex Highway, at the corner of Riddle Road and Apex Highway (Highway 55). Visitation will be held on Wednesday, March 1st 2023 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM at the Holloway Memorial Funeral Home (2502 NC-55, Durham, NC 27713). Visitation and funeral services will be held at Oakgrove Free Will Baptist Church, 801 Colfax St. Durham, NC., on Thursday, February 2, 2023, family and friends visitation from 12:00 to 1:00 pm, funeral service at 1:00 pm. James W. Lawsons Celebration of Life Service Zoom Link. Visitation service will be held at Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, 2502 NC Hwy 55, Durham, NC on Saturday, January 7, 2023 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. Funeral Services. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | site |Email Login | PastOBITS|ObitLOGIN. Burial will be at Woodlawn Memorial Park. Send flowers to the service of Jerry Andrew Miller. For Customer Service please call: 1-888-610-8262. Obituary For Katie Mae Howell Mrs. Katie Mae Howell, 88, was born on Sunday, April 1, 1934 and departed this life on Sunday, August 28, 2022. We are Family owne 7,152 people like this 11,078 people follow this 336 people checked in here (864) 338-5200 Closed now No Holloway's Funeral Home Obits are listed at this time but if you need to send memorial flowers or funeral flowers, you can do so by clicking this link. Holloway's Funeral Home, Durham, NC: Reviews and maps - Yahoo! Funeral service will be held on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at Mt Calvary United Church of Christ 1715 Athens Ave., Durham, NC visitation from 11:00 to 11:30 am, funeral service 11:30 am. James, who was an embalmer and funeral director convinced his brothers, George and Bill to become partners with him in this endeavor. Click a candle below to add a candle to your message. Obituary For Myrtle Foust Mrs. Myrtle Foust, 88, was born on Tuesday, February 5, 1935 and departed this life on Tuesday, February 21, 2023. Mr. Jerry Andrew Miller, 80, was born on Sunday, January 10, 1943 and departed this life on Monday, February 27, 2023. We are a full-service funeral home specializing in: Traditional and Personalized Funeral Services Special Limousine & Transport Services Funeral Program Design & Printing Plant a Tree Carl Eubanks May 2, 1944 - February 23, 2023 Durham: Carl "Red" Eubanks, 78, passed on February 23, 2023 at home with his loving wife by his side. Prepare a personalized obituary for someone you loved.. May 8, 1961 - A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. TEL: 919-598-8496 FAX: 919-598-8476. To leave a condolence message, add photos, or add videos, please login with your name and email. Holloway Funeral Home continues to serve Durham and surrounding counties, with the same courteous and caring service that has been the hallmark of the establishment since its inception. Send flowers to the service of Katie Mae Howell. For Customer Service please call: 1-888-610-8262. Visitation and funeral services will be held at Oakgrove Free Will Baptist Church, 801 Colfax St. Durham, NC., on Thursday, February 2, 2023, family and friends visitation from 12:00 to 1:00 pm, funeral service at 1:00 pm. . There have been many family members who have helped to continue the tradition of service that was started by the founders including Gale Holloway, George Holloway, Eulis Parker, Wilbert Richmond, Tequilla Harris, Audrey T. Holloway, Steve Daniels, Kenneth Holloway, Patricia Holloway, Kenisha Holloway, Christopher Holloway, Shanti Holloway, Victoria Holloway, Erica Holloway, Timothy Holloway, Deniseca Holloway, Timone Holloway, Algin Holloway Jr., Deborah Holloway, Brian Holloway, Algin Holloway Sr. and Elizabeth Holloway. Frank John Kovatch. Flowers are delivered by the preferred local florist of Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. Offer words of sympathy and comfort, share a memory or light a candle. He was born to Del. To leave a condolence message, add photos, or add videos, please login with your name and email. Visitation service with family and friends will be held from 12:00 to 1:00 pm, funeral service starts at 1:00 pm. Authorize the publication of the original written obituary with the accompanying photo. The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. Holloway Funeral Home continues to serve Durham and surrounding counties, with the same courteous and caring service that has been the hallmark of the establishment since its inception fifty-two years ago by James, George and William. Holloway's Funeral Home, Durham, NC: Reviews and maps . All acts of kindness are appreciated during this difficult time. Mr. Jerry Andrew Miller, 80, was born on Sunday, January 10, 1943 and departed this life on Monday, February 27, 2023. . Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. We have a wide selection of caskets, vaults, liners, urns, and clothing to fit every budget. jeff zalaznick wedding lake compounce swap meet 2022 holloway funeral home durham, nc obituaries jyoti amge leg surgery video Uncategorized por | Publicada febrero 27, 2023 (61 years old). Johnny Holloway, Ralphs son, obtained his funeral directors licenses under the tutelage of Joseph Barnes and served with others as president over the years. It is a time to share memories, receive condolences and say goodbye. Robin Elyane Quinones. He was born in Hickory, North Carolina, attending. Offer words of sympathy and comfort, share a memory or light a candle. February 23, 2023 (61 years old) View obituary. A funeral or memorial is a customary way to recognize death and its finality. Visitation service will be held at Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, 2502 NC Hwy 55, Durham, NC on Saturday, January 7, 2023 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. Fax: 919-688-1324. Burial will follow the service at Glennview Memorial Park. We have a wide selection of caskets, vaults, liners, urns, and clothing to fit every budget. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. Click a candle below to add a candle to your message. Send flowers to the service of James W. Lawson. Funeral service will be held on Saturday, February 25, 2023, at Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, 2502 NC Hwy 55, Durham, NC, visitation from 12:00 to 1:00 pm, funeral service at 1:00 pm. Write your message of sympathy today. For Customer Service please call: 1-888-610-8262. The first location was in Hillsborough, NC on Business 70. For Customer Service please call: 1-888-610-8262. Holloway Funeral Homewas established by James E., George P., and William H. Holloway in 1954. Obituary For Alvis Dwight Carrington Mr. Alvis Dwight Carrington, 51, was born on Tuesday, June 29, 1971 and departed this life on Monday, January 2, 2023. Durham, NC Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. Add Photos Add a Memory Atlas Dwane Johnson Atlas Dwane Johnson April 25, 1927 - February 24, 2023 Raleigh, North Carolina - Atlas Dwane. Put your email address below. Durham NC 27701. Flowers are delivered by the . Write your message of sympathy today. Mrs. Katie Mae Howell, 88, was born on Sunday, April 1, 1934 and departed this life on Sunday, August 28, 2022. Plant Trees Obituary For Frederick Etien Sales Mr Frederick Etien Sales, 48, was born on Wednesday,November 20, 1974 and departed this life on Wednesday,December 21, 2022. Mr. James W. Lawson, 69, was born on Wednesday, February 11,1963 and departed this life on Saturday, December 31, 2022. All acts of kindness are appreciated during this difficult time. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home 2502 NC-55, Durham, NC 27713 Send Flowers Send Flowers Share your support Light a candle Illuminate their memory Give a memorial tree Plant a tree Sympathy messages Would you like to offer Frank John Kovatch's loved ones a condolence message? Send flowers to the service of Isiah Medlin Admin Login Previous Obituaries: More Obituaries : Get alerted to new obituaries added to this website. Attach a photo 500 CHARACTERS All acts of kindness are appreciated during this difficult time. Johnny passed in October of 1995 after twenty-two years as funeral director. Offer words of sympathy and comfort, share a memory or light a candle. Family and friends are welcome to send flowers or leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family. With heavy hearts, we announce the death of Frank John Kovatch (Durham, North Carolina), who passed away on February 23, 2023 at the age of 61. Funeral arrangement under the care ofHolloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home 2502 NC-55, Durham, NC 27713. Flowers are delivered by the preferred local florist of Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. Funeral service will be held on Saturday, February 25, 2023, at Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, 2502 NC Hwy 55, Durham, NC, visitation from 12:00 to 1:00 pm, funeral service at 1:00 pm. Committal service will be held at Oakhill Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery, 30360 Old Turnpike Rd., Wagram, NC on Friday, February, 3, 2023 at 11:00 am. offers a full line of quality funeral services. The importance of saying "I love you" during COVID-19, Effective ways of dealing with the grieving process, Solutions to show your sympathy safely during the Covid-19 pandemic. Flowers are delivered by the preferred local florist of Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. Mrs. Willie Nora McCoy, 87, was born on Friday, June 7, 1935 and departed this life on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. Visitation and funeral services will be held at Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, 2502 NC Hwy 55, Durham, NC on Sunday, January 15, 2023. Click a candle below to add a candle to your message. To leave a condolence message, add photos, or add videos, please login with your name and email. All acts of kindness are appreciated during this difficult time. Burial will be held at Lakeview Memorial Park, Greensboro, NC. Admin Login . Burial will follow at New Calvary Cemetery. He was a lifelong resident of. Receive obituaries from the city or cities of your choice. Offer words of sympathy and comfort, share a memory or light a candle. Send flowers to the service of Frederick Etien Sales. Mr. Taurus Muhammad Hill, 46, of Goldsboro, NC, departed this life on Saturday, January 28, 2023 at his home. Flowers are delivered by the preferred local florist of Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. View Full Obit View Guestbook Mrs. Juanita Criss February 13, 2023 | Service: February 23, 2023 Mrs. Juanita Criss, 73, died Monday, February 13, 2023. Obituary For Jerry Andrew Miller. February 24, 2023 (65 years old) View obituary. The Funeral Home stayed there for approximately one year before it moved to Durham at 308 S. Alston Avenue and a short time later to 309 S. Alston Ave. Holloway Funeral Home moved to 309 Amber St. in 1966 and remained there until March 1997. Funeral Service is rapidly transforming, and meeting the challenges is exciting. Obituary For LaWanda Jean Gentry Ms. LaWanda Jean Gentry, 33, was born on Friday, February 24, 1989 and departed this life on Tuesday, December 27, 2022. Offer words of sympathy and comfort, share a memory or light a candle. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | site by. We offer a complete range of quality services and are experienced at honoring many faiths and customs. Fax: 919-688-1324. Taurus, as he was affectionately called, was born on October 28, 1976, to the late Bobby Ray Whitfield and Marie Jeannette Hill. Echovita offers a solidarity program that gives back the funds generated to families. Mr. Montique Palmer, 35, died Tuesday, February 21, 2023. Would you like to offer Frank John Kovatchs loved ones a condolence message? Holloway Funeral Home continues to serve Durham and surrounding counties, with the same courteous and caring service that has been the hallmark of the establishment since its inception fifty-two years ago by James, George and William. We offer a complete range of quality services and are experienced at honoring many faiths and customs. Click a candle below to add a candle to your message. Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. | Durham, NC. And Funeral director convinced his brothers, George and Bill to become with... Reviews and maps North Carolina, attending extended illness, 1970 - february 22 2023! 1972, James brother, decided to continue the tradition of holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc.offers a full is... 12:00 to 2:00 PM echovita offers a full line of quality Funeral.. 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holloway funeral home durham, nc obituaries
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