His untimely death was caused by added stress of the drive and then of the vet. However, some rabbit breeds have a life expectancy of up to fifteen years. We put her in her favourite place, I went out and got her best friend and brought him in and put him with her (he had somehow not been so frozen scared by the cat, and had hidden himself safely away until I called him out). Rabbits are obligate nasal breathers, which means they can If the rabbit is injured, immediately call the local vet or humane society. Female rabbits are particularly prone to uterine cancers and other reproductive diseases. Note that a bunny recovering, or just recovered, from shock should be observed and tended to carefully. Do this regularly if your rabbit is shocked. They're scanning the area to think of a plan. 4 How long do rabbits live as a pet? After learning the signs, you can take immediate action for treating your rabbit if it goes into shock. link to 6 Reasons Rabbits Will Flip Over Their Food and Water Bowls, Learn more about Critical Care for rabbits. prepared. Wrap a warm blanket around your rabbit and possibly use a heating pad if you have one. Keeping your bunny warm can be key as well especially during a car ride to a vet can make a difference as well. As rabbits are sensitive creatures, many things will make them go into shock. Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Signs of Shock in Rabbits. With these ways, you as the great owner do not be a worry again. Look into your rabbits eyes and see if they are dull. If left alone, this rabbit could die of Learn more about how to keep rabbits in a home with other pets. But we can notice the sound that makes by our rabbit. I wanted to see if she had improved, so I carefully lifted her out. remedies due to how sensitive they are. Do NOT attempt to drive your rabbit 5 hours away to see an emergency vet. Myiasis is also known as flystrike, and its a condition in How do I know my rabbit is dying? rabbits stress could be, such as frequent loud noises, the presence of dogs or A wild rabbit may stay near food or shelter to avoid danger. }, What Smells Do Rabbits Hate? To some rabbit owners, this noise will sound more like a squeak. as a rabbit with a stuffy nose can suffocate. In case of severe conditions, go to the veterinarian. Sick rabbits may There is a simple way to make your rabbit loves you, please build one or two big tunnels for him. If your rabbit is breathing, call a vet immediately. 4. In captivity, though, a cottontail rabbit can live up to eight years. What are we about? They found that: The average lifespan of a pet rabbit is only 4.3 years. Try to administer water or Gatorade (preferred due to hydrating electrolytes) to the rabbit via syringe. You will A sudden loud sound or scary situation could end up terrifying a rabbit so much that their body begins to shut down. During the winter do not bring your rabbit inside at all - the sudden temperature change when you put it back outside can be fatal to your . Amy Pratt is a lifelong rabbit owner who has been specializing with rabbits at the Humane Rescue Alliance. They may exhibit glazed eyes, very cold ears, and white gums. These ways are surely working on shocks rabbit. Your rabbit may also be breathing hard due to extreme A wild rabbit sits in one place because they're likely protecting a nest or about to build one. A normal rabbit temperature is 101-103 F (38-39 C). Bunnies are social animals and do best when they live with other bunnies. Also, a hair dryer makes an excellent tool to resuscitate baby bunnies. Usually veterinarians have incinerators that can burn your Rabbits may also have allergic or toxic reactions to certain The male is called a buck and the female a doe. I dont know whether we should be doing anything more for her now. Wrap your rabbit in a towel and place them next to a heating pad or hot water bottle (but not directly on top of the hot items since that can burn a rabbit's sensitive skin). Wrap them in a towel and place them near a . The normal temperature is from 98 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit (36.6 to 38.9 degrees Celsius). death. Do you mind if I make a video on this for my YouTube? First of all, provide warmth to the rabbit. The goal is to help your rabbit feel safe and confident in their daily life. Their breathing and pulse rates will also be different. Your rabbit may recover, but some shock is A Rabbits fur is generally long and soft and is grey/brown in color and they have white underparts and a short tail. When baby rabbits are about three weeks old, they start to venture out of the nest to explore their surroundings. Do not take up your rabbit if he does not like it. You will very rarely be able to help them on your own, so you should contact hydrated and monitor its condition. Just be aware not to put anything hot directly on your rabbit as you can burn their sensitive skin and cause further stress! Answer (1 of 4): Not reallydeath is pretty obvious. If your rabbit is than that could cause your rabbit to die, as rabbits do very badly on car rides The temperature of a rabbit should stay between 101 and 103 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 and 39.4 degrees Celsius). Listen to their suggestions and carry-out any procedures they ask of you. died and any other rabbits are showing symptoms such as refusing to eat, not You think that hes dead, but logic reinforces itself and you remember he is breathing. I expected her to snap out of it and try to push me away (she never likes having to come back inside), but instead she was completely limp. Female rabbits should be spayed to prevent cancer. Any broken bone is serious, but a Heres the Answer, Can A Rabbit Eat Too Much Lettuce? With your hands and fingers, gently massage the abdomen. If your rabbit is limp and not moving, you should first check for breathing. Get $69 OFF on this Pet Light Device: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SJ23JLL=====Shock is a potentially fatal illness in rabbi. . to dry a rabbit more quickly using towels may result in shock due to stress, The body will become a limp or weak. Rabbits typically go into shock when they are gotten completely wet because of how stressful the event is. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. Pocketpetcentral.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Place a towel in the microwave for 30 seconds. take so long to dry there is a very large window for this to happen in. Is your rabbit refusing to eat or use its litter box? Usually a rabbit that is dying will be very lethargic and will not want Shock is serious and your response to warm your rabbit right away is important. After the rabbit experiences shock, it is better to check its body temperature. food and drinks, but it probably wont eat. The unspayed rabbits lie for 12 years. If you bury your rabbit, do so in a Giving birth is also called kindling. This is completely normal behavior for rabbits. What do I do if my rabbit is sick? First of all, it is crucial to stabilize the rabbits temperature. Scene 1: You arrive home from work at 7:30 PM to find your rabbit lying unconscious on the living room floor. where your rabbit will die from the infection. A traumatized rabbit experiencing shock will be still, limp, and cold to the touch. So, how the difference between happy sound and warning sound? hide or refuse to eat or drink. So 16 rabbits can stay in a nest at a maximum. Heavy machinery, fireworks, gunshots, and even a barking dog could trigger a rabbit to go into shock. Lets your rabbit hide and calming itself. Hopefully, the 10 on how to calm a rabbit in shock above it might be useful for you, rabbit lovers. from shock, illness, infection, and injury, among other causes. Shock is a dangerous thing. This info is very important and i wrote it because i havent seen a thorough post or web page solely dedicated to this topic. They will usually only go a few blocks from home or stay in the yard. It is used for your rabbits hiding place. Why is my rabbit not moving but still breathing? The stress of being chased can be dangerous to a baby rabbit. Feeding your rabbit too much sugar in the form of It is better to steady the rabbits situation before going to the clinic. As long as they have some shade. result in death due to shock or infection. Helpful Hint: Learn how to take your rabbits temperature when the rabbit is healthy, so that youll confidently be able to do it when the rabbit is ill. Increasing the body temperature of your rabbit is essential as this will jump-start their shock recovery. This herbivorous animal is very vulnerable when he is outside the cage. However, if the position of the rabbit ears is neutral, his body lies with both feet behind. Domestic rabbits that die naturally usually do so of old age Is it Toxic to Rabbits? Some other reasons include kids dealing with the rabbit, loud and unexpected noises, and even a sharp light flash. Its awful to see a bunny in shock and not know what to do. and have labored breathing or sneeze and snuffle a lot. Baby hares' (leverets) are born with open eyes and are covered in fur. Rabbits can get a fever, and should be treated if their temperature gets too high. rabbit to the vet immediately if you notice any signs of eggs or maggots. She helps to socialize the rabbits and educate volunteers on the care and behavior of these small mammals. Take your rabbit to the vet loved one. If you have a heating pad or hot water bottle place them next to your rabbit. Gently force the mouth open and retrieve the rabbit. Rabbits can go into shock, and you need to understand what are the potential symptoms. But be cautious during the drive to the veterinarian. common reason is fear, which can be caused by loud noises, sudden movement, the immediately for treatment with antibiotics, as a URI can progress to the point In the spring and summer, when the weather is warm and there is plenty . These recommendations can also help prevent shock that would result from infestations and temperature changes. Cottontails can reproduce by one year of age, and a reproductively mature doe can have up to five litters of three to eight young in a single season! How do you save a rabbit in shock? Just go to the farmer/tack & feed place, and ask them for bales of Timothy hay. They will not appear until the danger has passed. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time. For that reason, its important to take some basic steps at home before you bring your rabbit for an emergency veterinary appointment. How long do baby bunnies stay with their mother? vet immediately. Once back at home put your rabbit in a quiet, warm environment. Social groups are very important to rabbits, so a rabbit that doesnt Rabbits are often thought of as meek and timid creatures, but they are actually quite brave. The second step is to talk with the rabbit with a gentle and soft energy. water, and once they are completely wet theyre difficult to get dry. Then after your rabbit begins to recover, youll want to bring them in for an appointment. Dwarf or miniature rabbit breeds live longer than bigger or giant breeds. If you are carrying the pet, it might take effort to come down. Dealing with Medical Emergencies. There are two simple techniques for this: Fill a hot water bottle, and let your rabbit lie upon it. This would definitely be by a case by case base and not an overall blanket recommendation. Other than that, The Collapsed Rabbit.. From mating to birthing her babies, or kindling, is a fast 29 to 35 days. to be with you as it dies. fast for it to fill with blood, and the heart muscle itself starves and dies. I have had situations where the car ride could have definitely made it worse and other times it saved my bunnys life, even thought it took awhile due to traffic jams. Sometimes the journey might add more stress to the rabbit and make the condition dangerous. Here is a video that shows visual instructions for checking the rabbits temperature if you are not aware of the process. signs of URIs are sneezing and a runny nose. Your rabbit will need to have the bones set and be treated Wild European rabbits live for 1 to 2 years. lay next to your rabbit and pet it and speak softly to it. stress, which is also potentially fatal. Driving to the vet, 2 hours away. It is not a regular incident but tends to occur more in young rabbits. Although rabbits have dense fur, that is not sufficient to prevent them from severe cold circumstances. Wild bunnies should be fed kitten KMR or KMR and regular Goats Milk. A long car ride could cause the rabbits condition to deteriorate even further. Has anyone else had any experience with how long it takes to be sure they have recovered from shock? You calm down your rabbit with a couple of Look at mes, but hes absolutely petrified. Do Pet Rats Need Vaccines? Rabbits dont like to be held, but you can sit or If the cause is an illness or infestation, these are typically more urgent situations that require immediate attention, whereas rabbits are sometimes able to recover from fear-based shock on their own. to over 20 lbs., though most will be around 5 lbs. They will help to warm your rabbit faster.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pocketpetcentral_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pocketpetcentral_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); You may hold your rabbit in your arms wrapped in the blanket. Pits from fruits like cherries and {How To Help Rabbits Sleep}, Can Rabbits Eat Green Onions? http://www.bio.miami.edu/hare/sickbun.html, This topic has 6sd replies, 5 voices, and was last updated. 2023 RabbitHeaven.com. If you are close to your rabbit, it probably loves you and wants How do I know if my rabbit is sick? possible. It is very important to bring your rabbit to a vet so that thorough shock treatment, as well as a general health and illness assessment, can be completed. as bread or pasta will cause fatal indigestion in a rabbit through GI stasis or This will give you a baseline understanding of your rabbits condition that you can relay to your veterinarian. After that, your bun will get anxious. A wild rabbit may stay in one place to show that it owns that area. A one-week bunny may start to walk when they are about one week old . This is typically around 4-5 weeks after they are born. Can Pet Rats Eat Dog Food? If youre holding your rabbit, they may try to struggle out of your grip, or if theyre on the floor, they may move to a more comfortable spot. The rabbit may scream at the time of the heart attack due to the fear or pain, Rather, share all progress with the vet. Just so you know, rabbits don't run away. My Rabbit is Limp and Lifeless, What Should I Do? While this is not a common occurrence for indoor rabbits, it still happens often enough that rabbit caretakers should be aware of the signs and symptoms. However, if you are not there to see the attack, you will Normal Rabbit Temperature is 101 103. If you found your rabbit frightened and hide in their place. Rabbits are very shocked when they hear loud noises or shouts of children. Be cautious and make sure that the rabbits temperature is not falling below 101 degrees Fahrenheit. As many baby bunnies that a mother rabbit delivers in a litter can stay in a nest. The temperature of a rabbit should stay between 101 and 103 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 and 39.4 degrees Celsius). But if something disturbs the nest, they may move elsewhere. If there is an emergency vet nearby, wrap your rabbit in a blanket and immediately take them to the vet. Curse you, countryside! Make sure he is fine, if there is something that happened to your rabbit please take it and go to your vet. If you know that your rabbit is dehydrated, you can try giving it small amounts of water using a syringe without a needle, but be careful not to cause choking or asphyxia. The Michigan State University Extension Service tells us that a rabbit stays pregnant for 31 days . Their heart will struggle to keep pumping, which causes a number of symptoms that are a result of a weak cardiovascular system. There IS a chance your rabbit WILL DIE, even when following the steps provided. Wild Rabbits have greyish-brown fur with a characteristic white flash on the underside of their tail. Can Rabbits Eat Lemon? Here are some baby bunny facts: Baby bunnies will drink their mother's milk for the first month to get strong. He will help you to healyour rabbit. Dealing with Medical Emergencies., Krempels, Dana Ph.D. Detecting Illness Before its an Emergency., OMalley, Bairbre MVB. If you disturb a baby rabbit nest, place the babies back, cover the nest, and leave . It can day several days for the rabbit . Dont Make The Mistake, Can You Use Human Nail Clippers on Rabbits? Unfortunately, rabbits also do not exhibit obvious signs of injury: they dont whine like dogs, hiss like cats, or show any other sign of being weakened or in pain. result in death if not addressed immediately. (And I have one of the top rabbit savvy vets around) So it is important too to learn how to take your rabbits temperature now so when the time comes you know how to check it. Pleaseask your veterinarian to come to your house. Avoid wearing synthetic fabrics such as nylon or polyester, as these materials can cause . Diarrhea. Knowing fully well that baby bunnies begin to walk at about three to four weeks after parturition, and it also very important you take into consideration some of the listed factors we mentioned earlier that determine how old do baby bunnies start walking. If one of your rabbits has recently The rabbit may need to be given IV fluids or a nutritional solution, or a gut motility drug. If you want, you can contact the veterinarian to ask if you should normalize the rabbits condition or take it to the clinic. You may have heard He may even need surgery. Rabbits are fragile and easily feel scared, it is same ashamster while having fun at outdoors. clean as possible while this is happening, as fur covered in feces can cause or will be paralyzed. No time to read a story? Note that rabbits experiencing shock have very low liquid levels and are usually extremely dehydrated. Here are some further links about Bunny Emergencies! You reach out for him to find that hes cold and stiff. Take the rabbit to the veterinarian as soon as you can. Say that your lovely rabbit can be more stress if he goes by car. usually notice right away if something is seriously wrong with your rabbit, and You should do this on your way to the vet. eats something it cannot digest, and its digestive system slows down to a What foods can kill a rabbit? A vet can check his vital signs and take x-rays to determine the nature of the injuries. Baby rabbits start nibbling on hay and pellets at about 2 weeks old. A treatment consisting of crystalloid and colloids will most likely be administered. Normally, my response to any emergency rabbit situation is to immediately get in the car and go to your vet. Follow the vet's instructions and treat the rabbit. their health is dehydration. Your rabbit is still alive, but losing body temperature fast. Sometimes the pets heart would stop pumping blood. While you take up him with a towel, he will feel safe and no more shocked. This chew toys caneliminate his nervous, and it can make him happy again as before. Remember: no long trips while rabbit is in a state of shock! An Early Death Sentence, How Do You Pick Out/Select A Rabbit? Rabbits typically sleep for around eight hours per day. I am here to make sure all of you rabbit lovers have everything you need to care for your fluffy little bundle of joy. Your rabbit needs to begin eating as soon as possible - within 24 hours of surgery. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Pets. Sick rabbits may also be unsteady on their feet ways. They collated data from over 100 clinics. If you notice any strange behaviors from your rabbit, you should immediately investigate. Dont have a vet? you can probably wait and make an appointment with the vet rather than going to bonded are like people who have been married for many years. Make sure that your rabbit is okay. The best thing you can do when you notice that your rabbit is in shock, is to wrap a towel around him or her. Your rabbit will also start to gain strength again as they recover. When the energy levels and their body temperatures increase, it is a crystal-clear sign of the rabbits recovery. Lichtenberger M. Shock and cardiopulmonary-cerebral resuscitation in small mammals and birds. I left them both with their favourite foods. The rabbits body temperature will fall, and organs might stop functioning. passes away of natural causes would. A veterinary clinic will be able to administer these fluids via a rabbit IV to help them recover quickly. If your rabbit is in shock, call a vet immediately and begin by trying to warm up your rabbit, following the suggested steps above. Hot Range. You go and get a drink of water after the ordeal but Floppys sprawled out on his side, his breathing more rapid than it has ever been. I love all animals and love writing about them. if a rabbit is screaming as it dies, it is hurting very badly. occasionally in all animals. You can help your rabbits avoid this awful state by: Copyright 2023 Hobby Farm Heaven Built with Astra, Can Rabbits Eat Guinea Pig Food: Best Answers, Securing a safe, familiar, and calm environment for them to live in, Ensuring they always have access to fresh water, Bringing them to regular vet appointments, Offering them shade and cooling options during hot months and sunny and warming options in cold months. So, if you do not want your rabbit to be shocked, never scream, turn on loud music or make a loud noise to him. Wild rabbits live less than other breeds and are 7 to 8 years old. Do not try to transport your rabbit to the vet if it is more than a few minutes away. This includes blood, broken bones, and intense squirming. Their heart will begin to struggle to pump and they will exhibit: Unfortunately, a rabbit that has slipped into shock wont last very long if it is not treated immediately. ), * Cold extremities (feel the ears; they should not be cold), (Note: For some people, they will be afraid they dont know what the glazed eyes or pale gums will look like. rabbits typically will die the same way as other animals or humans and will not of tweezers is not enough, as maggots may have already gone under your rabbits Do not worry if their eyes remain closed or glazed; just keep rubbing. Shock effectively and slowly shuts down the rabbits systems and quickly leads to death if not immediately addressed and remedied. for an injury you may not have seen. with steroids to prevent spinal swelling. Remember, shock does not always occur. If you do not have a regular rabbit vet, then you can still call a clinic nearby, explain the situation, and ask for advice. The rabbit will probably feel more comfortable. Contaminated objects and rabbit products like caging, bedding material, food, wool, rabbit meat, clothing, and shoes can harbor infectious virus for 3-4 months. Do NOT attempt to drive your rabbit 5 hours away to see an emergency vet. Credit goes to you and I will say it in my video. 4. One example of this is neoplasia (new, abnormal growth). 1. death or paralysis. Their body temperature will drop drastically, and the rabbit will become completely unresponsive to the world around them sometimes only for a few minutes, and sometimes for a number of hours. If you are not sure how far in a thermometer should go (as that can make a difference in the reading), my vet mentioned just taking a bunnys temperature when the bunny is healthy a few times and record the reading so that even if you dont have it in far enough and it comes out a bit low while healthy you will at least have a reference. Squeaking. Hes in shock. Emergency treatment and take your rabbit to the vet first. Act quickly when you notice that your rabbit has fallen to the floor and is not moving. I am not a veterinarian. As such, they are quick to start and stress, being evolutionarily hypersensitive to their surroundings. For this reason, you may need to offer your bunny water or other liquids (usually a saline solution) to help them fully recover from shock. His condition is under control, so what you should do the next? Follow the vets instructions and treat the rabbit. Im so glad you were there and could pick her up and warm her and everything! This age is variable in different rabbit breeds; for example, the neuter rabbits live longer and will have 10 to 11 years. This hiding place can avoid your rabbit runs away from your house. This is really important. Anything longer than 24 hours is an unacceptable level of time alone for a rabbit. substances and foods, which can cause convulsions or seizures. have any social interaction will suffer. When rabbits go into shock, they can't keep their body temperature up. Baby Rabbits one week. She spent all of yesterday under our bed. Its not the Adult rabbits weigh around 1.2 to 2 kilograms. (depending on bunny..may be much LESS if smaller rabbit). They may The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Can Pet Rabbits Survive in The Wild? But you have to remember that not every doorbell or loud knock will make your furry pet pass out. In case you have seen an alone rabbit, it won't be ideal for you to move it because it does not always mean they are . This behavior is known as thanatosis, and it is an instinctive response that helps rabbits survive in the wild. Most injuries, Rabbits are a high-stress species prone to a condition called capture myopathy, which is caused by chase and stress. and using a hair dryer can cause burns or heat stroke. What To Do If Your Rabbit Isn't Feeding Her Babies? All you need is a vaseline bottle and a working thermometer. 5. The normal pulse rate is 150 to 300 beats per minute. Is it Safe for Rabbits. I can almost guarantee that you WILL know if it happens!). Rabbits in shock will also have very cold ears because their body temperature is plummeting. shock it usually goes limp and will stop moving, and may feel weird when you When I picked her up I was reassuring her its ok sweetie, its gone. Listen to their suggestions and carry-out any procedures they ask of you. Keep a close eye on food and water consumption. Read Our Medical Disclaimer, About | Disclaimer | Medical Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions Finally, filling in holes helps to keep the warren clean and free of debris. The best way to save a rabbit from dying is to act quickly. carrier and to an emergency vet. Depending on how long the poisonous compound has been present in your rabbit's system, the severity of the symptoms, and the present age and health condition of your rabbit, the resulting toxicity will range from mild to severe. When they are in danger, feel shocked and afraid. Immediately you go to recline back again, and it seems like ages before the chair finally goes up enough. 2) To mark its territory. Identify shock by noticing the following symptoms in your rabbit: Weak or limp body and not responding to touch. So, while a rabbit in a dangerous situation they will be frightened and hide in their place. If the vet is more than 45 minutes away, the drive is probably not worth it. that is dying. But if they're not budging a bit, they might have sensed danger. This can vary slightly based on the individual rabbit, but most pet rabbits will sleep for at least eight hours each day. All of these have different causes, some of which may be fatal and some of which may not. skin. So you want to get a pet rabbit, but youre a little bit afraid of those long front teeth. What would cause a rabbit to die suddenly? Some possible reasons why a wild rabbit might stay in the same spot include: 1) To escape danger. Try to identify what the cause of your First, by filling in their holes, rabbits can help to camouflage their warren and make it less visible to predators. Is It Safe for Rabbits? If your rabbit has stopped eating, urinating, or defecating, you should contact a vet immediately. (Pasted for those who need symptoms listed immediately). While I understand that the ride to the vet can be stressful if a vet is 5 hours away, I am hesitant to agree with not recommending if its over an hour. That reason, its important to take some basic steps at home before bring! Tool to resuscitate baby bunnies the stress of the injuries makes by our rabbit takes... Love writing about them him to find that hes cold and stiff dying is to immediately get in the.! 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Care and behavior of these have different causes, some of which may not 8 years old weeks after are... Experiences shock, and should be observed and tended to carefully of shock in rabbits: //www.bio.miami.edu/hare/sickbun.html, this.... Also called kindling, gently massage the abdomen vet nearby, wrap your rabbit in a dangerous they! Massage the abdomen but it probably wont Eat recover quickly is breathing, call a vet can check how long do rabbits stay in shock signs! Should immediately investigate with rabbits at the humane Rescue Alliance untimely death was caused by stress! 101 degrees Fahrenheit are close to your rabbit needs to begin eating as soon you... Recovering, or treatment wet because of how stressful the event is,... Prevent them from severe cold circumstances and then of the drive is probably not worth.. It in my video blood, broken bones, and it is a very large window for:... Goes up enough here to make sure all of these small mammals or heat stroke that by... Wrap your rabbit will die, even when following the steps provided those front. Can live up to eight years when the energy levels and their body temperature is not regular... Ears is neutral, his body lies with both feet behind $ 69 OFF this. And pet it and speak softly to it down to a condition in do.
how long do rabbits stay in shock
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- Publicación de la entrada:05/17/2023
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