Held each year since 1980, Charles and Anita Landers spearheaded the one-of-a-kind event for decades. Cave City bills itself as having the worlds sweetest watermelons. Find out for yourself July 29-31 during the 41st annual Watermelon Festival, which offers three days packed full of fun and entertainment for the entire family. All rights reserved. Besides producing quality melons, Julie said the trademark sticker for registered users that brands the melons has helped bring customers to their stand. Cave City Watermelon Festival | Cave City AR So, were hitting the road searching for an official Cave City watermelon and checking out some other sites along the way. In August of 1958, Burnis Brown was the manager of the Cave City Watermelon Growers' Association, which consisted of 127 members with 1,000 acres planted in watermelons. Chambers, Schools, Towns, Counties, Groups and Tourism, Auto & Motorcycle Sales, Service, Tires & More, Chambers, Schools, Towns, Counties, Groups & Tourism. Your email address will not be published. As a kid, I raised watermelons with my grandpa, Billy Carter. CAVE CITY, AR (KAIT) - It doesn't quite feel like summertime in Sharp County until the Cave City watermelons hit the stands and that happened this past week. The prize melon auction is at 5 p.m. and benefits Arkansas Children's Hospital. Johnson Brothers Watermelons is a family operated business consisting of Gary & Becky & Phillip & Julie. For a hillbilly like us to see all those hundreds of acres of beautiful watermelons all exactly the same size because they had all been transplanted on plastic was just amazing to us. The towns population began to be drawn to the larger area of Walnut Ridge and further declined when the highway was built 2 miles outside of town. But the town began a steady decline when it was bypassed by the railroad in the late 1800s. By 1958, the association had 127 members with about 1,000 acres planted in watermelons in Sharp and Independence counties. Its crazy because theres so many different components to it.. "A sure way to know that you're getting a genuine Cave City watermelon is to look for that label, the trademark label, and look for the grower's name on there," Johnson said. While watermelons are still at the center of our celebration, we also celebrate the people and businesses that make the Cave City area one of the greatest places in Arkansas! 1930's. The melon farm is on Cold Creek Road. Weve worked, it seems like, even harder than normal to make sure we have a great festival this year Everythings in place and were ready to have a festival. Mammoth Spring is one of the worlds largest natural springs. The first mayor was J. T. Harrell, with W. A. Meacham as recorder. Usually the famous watermelons are ready to go by July 4th but this year the crop is a little behind. Designed to emulate the nostalgia of a beloved homecoming weekend, the Cave City Watermelon Festival offers the traditional festival schedule from eating contests . This is unfair to the growers who, like the Johnsons, put hundreds of hours of work into their harvest, not to mention tens of thousands of dollars they have invested in the crops. You can always check the Cave City Watermelon Festival's website to get information on each of the certified growers. The Taste of Chicago has a pretty exhaustive Wikipedia page, which is a pretty good indication that the event is practically built into the citys DNA. That is what is so amazing, the last few years, people come to us and we dont take that for granted. Phillip Johnson. It wasnt always successful, but with each step, they learned and improved or changed their growing methods. From July 29-31, hundreds of people will flock to Cave City to attend the festival for the first time in over a year. Many of the families who lived in these smaller communities resided in those areas for years before the town of Cave City was ever imagined. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Only in Arkansas. For Food Vendor Inquiries call Andrea @ 870-283-5301, For Craft & Commercial Vendor Inquiries email Hana @ craftmelonvendor@yahoo.com, For Volunteer Opportunities call Robin @ 870-283-1195For Entertainment Inquiries call Tyler @ 870-283-4877, To become a sponsor call Julie @ 870-307-9631, Copyright 2022, Cave City Watermelon Festival. Organizers and growers say theyve worked harder to prepare for this years festival. The agency handled marketing for the regional association, where she and her co-workers produced an annual tabloid publication. The International Festival and Events Association (IFEA) has named the Cave City Watermelon Festival (CCWF) a winner in the 2022 IFEA/Haas & Wilkerson Pinnacle Awards. The event has shrunk from 10 days down to just three this year (July 7-9), but thats plenty of time to eat your fill of local food. 71 were here. Circle B Farm Farms 10 YEARS IN BUSINESS (870) 307-0302 403 Brewer Hill Rd Batesville, AR 72501 2. Each year as soon as they arrive with the first loads, their parking lot is flooded with customers before the melons can even be weighed and stickered. by Cathy Drew | Jul 18, 2022 | Travel Tips, Cave City, Home of the Worlds Sweetest Watermelons. For decades, Cave City has been known nationwide for its claim to fame, the sweetest watermelons. . They were sold to brokers, simply by word of mouth, and transported across the nation. Cave City watermelon growers warn against knockoffs Cave City, Arkansas KAIT Region 8 News: It doesn't quite feel like summertime in Sharp County until the Cave City watermelons hit the stands and that happened this past week. We thought we were going to be about three weeks late.". We are excited to welcome everyone back this year.. Cave City watermelons are arguably the best watermelons in the world. The nearest post office, which had been located at Loyal, was physically moved to the new town of Cave City in 1892. They proudly stand behind every melon they sell. There are several outfitters in the area that will provide gear and shuttle service so you can enjoy a fun day in the cool waters of the Spring River. So I prefer to go right to the source. For decades, Cave City has been known nationwide for its claim to fame, the sweetest watermelons. Now, in its 40th year, the watermelon festival is the largest festival in the region and has been voted as one of Arkansas' best festivals. They are open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday Saturday and are located just outside Cave City on AR-230. Three Chicks Flea Market This vintage market contains a great collection of merchandise just waiting to be discovered by the next treasure hunter. We were all so excited. Johnson says theyve seen more people at their stand and more people in the city in preparation for melon season and the festival. "Business is very . Millies From fried catfish to grilled steak to a homemade casserole, you never know what you will find at Millies, but its guaranteed to be good eating! First Security Bank, Member FDIC. Located 15 miles north of Batesville, Cave City has several retail shops in its historic downtown area. Required fields are marked *. He promptly refused. The 41st Cave City Watermelon Festival is set for July 29-31th. All Rights Reserved. Gary said, During this time, they were going more for commercial production for selling them to large cities like Chicago. At that time growers rented stalls in a facility near the present day community center. This three-day event will include entertainment, a 5K run, pancake breakfast, parade, activities for kids and adults, and of course, a free melon feast, courtesy of the registered watermelon growers. Mammoth Spring National Fish Hatchery One of the nations oldest fish hatcheries established in 1903, it was built to take advantage of the natural spring and proximity to the railroad. It is not just a piece of fruit, its more than that, its a memory. He said that is why they try so hard to ensure their melons come off at the perfect time. how to tie a cherry stem with ones tongue. That Spring, Lester taught his sons the ins and outs of watermelon production that he learned from his own father. Authors Note: Some locations may have altered hours, service or be temporarily closed due to Covid. Flickr/kitchener.lord. 5:00pm: Main stage Prize Melon Auction benefitting Arkansas Children's Hospital Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused! On an extremely hot day, one Julie described as the seventh circle of hell, the couple were working in the field after cultivating the rows spaced ten feet apart with a tractor. Brothers, Gary and Phillip are 3rd generation watermelon growers. They were placed nine feet apart then, today, they are only three feet apart. Visitors can view their work with paddlefish, sturgeon, Gulf Coast Striped Bass, walleye, and smallmouth bass. In addition to coffee, you can munch on breakfast and lunch selections as you head through town. One bite into one of these sweet, juicy melons makes it worth the trip. He first spent a short time working on a construction crew that built the current highway that runs through the city the family has called home since before the early 1920s. It hasnt always been easy. The agency handled marketing for the regional association, where she and her co-workers produced an annual tabloid publication. The machine is equipped with a spike in the center that makes a hole in the plastic. We know some will argue that Hope watermelons are better. 167 North of Cave City. Usually the Cave City Watermelon Festival is held the week after the Hope Watermelon Festival, but this year they were held concurrently. Daily Deals This salvage grocery and general merchandise store is one of a kind! We love to get the people in here, love to see where everybody comes from for the festival and the watermelons, he said. She says the festival will still go on as planned. Source:http://www.kait8.com/story/38582549/cave-city-watermelon-growers-warn-against-knockoffs, Cave City watermelon growers warn against knockoffs, Students map out early Arkansas explorer's path, Procedures for Commercial/Industrial Construction. Growers Cave City Watermelon Festival . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We select one featured photo per week, but we show many more in our gallery. The continual hot weather has now put them about one week ahead of schedule in opening the stands. Up until that point they had only planted seeds directly in the field. Drifters Coffee Co. Grab an incredible pastry and a cup of joe from this mobile/drive-thru coffee shop with a vintage feel. Travel east/northeast out of Cave City along AR-230 and AR-25. . Julie loves adventure. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Jonas Anderson - Mayor of Cave City - orilla vallie stage 12:00pm: Live Music: Deadwood Groove - orilla vallie stage "Sometimes they do and they have for as long as I can remember," he said. Digital Marketing and Design - The Richland Group. Little Rock, Conway, Searcy, Benton, Heber Springs, Fayetteville, Bentonville, Springdale, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, West Memphis, Batesville, Mountain View, Hot Springs, Pine Bluff, Texarkana, Arkadelphia. When Sharp County was formed in 1868, what is now Cave City was still in Independence County, including north of present-day Cave City to almost the Maxville area. WEATHERFORD, TEXAS - The north Texas city was once one of the state's biggest watermelon growers (not so much anymore) and once featured an oversized watermelon sculpture outside its courthouse. However, one farmer wants you to be aware of . My grower of choice is Johnson Brothers and I can find all of the latest information regarding availability right on their Facebook page. Charles Osborne Farms (870) 799-3459 PO Box 148 Cord, AR 72524 4. Cave City has held the tradition of celebrating the "world's sweetest watermelons" by holding a watermelon festival every summer since 1980. We are very grateful that people like what we produce, Julie said. In the beginning, they took trips to sell melons. Tim Carter: I am a 4th generation watermelon farmer I cannot remember not being around watermelon farming. Byrd signed to MCA Nashville Records in 1992, breaking through on the country music scene that year with his 1993 single Holdin Heaven, which reached number one on Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks. Farms Kay Southerland Farms (870) 793-6444 9 Alta Vista Dr Batesville, AR 72501 3. D & S Rodeo If you love rodeo and music, you will want to head to the D & S Arena. Cave City watermelons are so unparalleled that there is a list of registered growers who put stickers on their products so buyers know their watermelons are official Cave City Watermelons. Pickled foods are, of course, the highlight here, but its comedy-focused too, featuring stand-up shows and touring performers throughout the weekend. The building for that church was completed in 1898 and existed until the Methodist Church was united in 1939. She has received several awards, such as the Batesville Rotarian of the Year in 2010 and a three-time Paul Harris Fellow. Their first attempt at utilizing the transplanting technique over seed planting was one of the many trial and error experiences from which the Johnsons have learned. The area now known as Cave City was originally situated entirely in Independence County, most of which was in Barren Township. From July 27-29 in Cave City, Arkansas, youll find a feast of watermelon courtesy of local growers; the website also notes that Catfish dinners, pancake breakfasts, talent shows, watermelon judging contests, 5K runs, ice cream making contests, car shows and local entertainment have filled the event calendar in previous years. Not necessarily "scare-your-pants-off" adventure but the kind where you seek out new and exciting things. The boys did as any good sons would and began to take on the responsibilities of the farm. Later, the cave was purchased by Dr. G. T. (Dock Tom) Laman. Growers put a registered trademark stick on the watermelons that reads "Genuine Cave City Watermelon". No one has ever been able to show where the river begins or where it eventually ends. Around 1980, a group of city leaders actually trademarked the name "Cave City Watermelons" so that anyone who uses that registered trademark to make money off of a different product is actually breaking the law. Most dont realize just how far back the watermelon tradition goes, even predating the 1938 establishment of a growers association and the 1980 creation of the Cave City Watermelon Festival, first as a one day event. Welcome home! Arkansas Tourism, a division of the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism, strives to expand the economic impact of travel and tourism in the state and enhance the quality of life for all Arkansans. by Cathy Drew | Jul 9, 2021 | Travel Tips. Watermelon Growers Games - In front of Melon stage. The goal was to have the young men take over the operation. The original church was located on the site of the current Hometown Market. You have to go back and replant and you get different sizes and the plants are at different phases, Phillip explained. Drew serves on the Arkansas Travel Council Board of Directors, is Batesville Rotary Club Past President, and is the Rotary Clubs current publicity chair. Brothers, Gary and Phillip are 3rd generation watermelon growers. Copyright 2021 KAIT. Additionally, there are several big events with live music throughout the year. Stop in for lunch or dinner and you will know why. The Watermelon Growers Games begin at 3 p.m. with a free watermelon feast at 4 p.m. The owner of Cave City Produce Company is not doing anything illegal. 2, 2019 at 5:14 PM PDT. Then, in 1875, the current county line was established, moving the Independence County line to its present location and creating Cave Township. 793-6444 9 Alta Vista Dr Batesville, AR 72501 2 one-of-a-kind event decades! Planted seeds directly in the City in 1892 ; Genuine Cave City was originally entirely. First mayor was J. T. 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cave city watermelon growers
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