[1][3], However, Gorloff had some reservations about the standard .44 S&W American chambering of the pistol which, similar to today's .22 long rifle, had an externally lubricated heeled bullet. I would load a couple of dummy rounds (no powder/primer) and try it. . Their Double Action top-breaks were mostly chambered in .44 Russian too. Maybe you just like to go out on a weekend and shoot the "Guns that Won the West" or that your favorite TV and movie cowboy heroes toted. They called themselves the .44 Associates, and they worked up hot loads of .44 Special for various purposes. The heavy recoil and high ammo costs have resulted in a constant supply of lightly used .44 Magnum revolvers since the 1950s. For close-range varmints and small game, the milder .44 Special works just fine. Either way, HSM has you covered. To protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not be made public. Employees and agents of Publishers Development Corp. are not eligible. Delf Jelly Bryce carried a .44 Special for much of his career, though switched to a 3.5-inch S&W Magnum when he went to work for the FBI. . Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. What is the Difference Between .44 Mag and .44 Special? Anybody have any info and/or experience as to using 44 Russian in 44/40 revolversAside from the argument as to whyLooks like it would work finebut I like my face like it is..not full of cylinder pieces.. Won't work and very dangerous. If recoil is a turn-off, the .44 Spl is probably the better option. Although Keith petitioned ammo manufacturers to offer hotter .44 Special loads for hunting, there was understandable concern about what the higher pressure loads would do to older revolvers. If they feed, go for it. The humble Special got a bad rap throughout the years, overshadowed by its bigger brother, but that doesnt necessarily mean its without its uses. FYI: The flying ashtray was a .45 acp hollow point manufactured by Speer. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. These were advertised as being chambered for the .44 Colt/Russian because they will also shoot the .44 Russian cartridges. He turned what had been almost exclusively a target cartridge into a viable big game hunting cartridge. Both are good for bowling pin shoots, though you'll get faster splits using .44 Special. While plenty of gun guys (and gals) scoff at shooters who complain about recoil, it can have a major effect on accuracy. Possibly the bullet seater will also be too long. Until quite recently, the factory loads for the .44 Special have been pretty anemica 246-gr. Home; Categories. Those factory loads leaded like the dickens! Both pistol and rifle. I hav never understood the propensity for people to try the wrong cartridge in their firearms. While some shooters might dismiss the .44 Spl as outdated, this mild-recoiling big-bore cartridge has more to offer than feelings of nostalgia. It can increase the muzzle velocity of a 200-grain JHP by 150%. Remington engineered the cartridge for the new big-bore wheel gun by lengthening the .44 Spl case. Nice article. I couldnt hit much with it and it had huge recoil, making it uncontrollable for me. Sign-up now to get more revolver content every Wednesday! With the same 225-grain cast bullet, the .45 Schofield's velocity ranges were clearly improved compared to the .45 Colt's velocity ranges at the load levels of fast-burning propellants common to cowboy events. Recreational Shooting. lbs). Although insanely popular in the early 20th century, the Special almost went the way of the dinosaur after the introduction of its faster, harder-hitting, and more popular younger brother, the .44 Remington Magnum. Not me ! 44 S&W Russian; 44 S&W Russian. [1] The .44 Russian design marked the first use of an internally lubricated bullet in modern firearm ammunition. My 130 pound wife can shoot the Ruger. Both fire heavyweight .429-inch (10.9 mm) bullets. However, it may be necessary to shorten a .44 Magnum/.44 Special expanding die as well as a seater/crimper die to be able to reach the relatively short .44 Russian case. The Flying Ashtray was, is and will always be the sadly discontinued #4477 Speer 200g JHP. The case is a shortened 44 special or Russian and the rim is thinned. RN bullets over 3.8 grs. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. I like them both and carry the stainless in the winter. Compared to the hotrod .44 Magnum, the Special delivers fairly sluggish speeds. Youll need to bust out your eyeglasses and a good ruler to measure the dimension variations. Also, ballistics can vary from lot to lot with the same brand and type load. SWC with a gas check. Box 1926, Escondido, CA 92033. In comparison, the .44 Special is softer than a newborn kitten. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. Got a few other issues to deal with .. My wife uses LFC dies in both of her 550's as well as other Lee dies, the only Dillon dies we use are the powder thru funnels so they are compatible with the powder hopper. Best 7mm Rem. If an expanding bullet hits the target at a slower rate of speed, it may fail to expand. More calibers. If you were really torn about these two cartridges, the best practice would be to get a .44 Magnum and figure out which .44 Special loads shoot to the sights and don't lose any accuracy. is a Navy Arms replica of a 3rd Model S&W .44 Russian. While .44 Special is more than serviceable for medium to smaller game at modest distances, the reality is .44 Magnum has such a good track record that you might as well not bother. And all of them can be used to load both .44 Spl and .44 Mag. [3][4], Smith & Wesson did so by reducing the diameter of the .44 bullet to .429 and adding lubrication grooves to its base. Most .44 Mag hunting loads leave the barrel with around 1000 ft/lbs of energy. They brought the gp100 in 44 spl back a few years ago. All of the original S&W .44 Russian chambered top-breaks, whether they be single or double action, should only be used with black powder. [2], In the early 1870s, General Alexander Gorloff, the military attach assigned to the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C., approached Smith & Wesson about the possibility of negotiating a military sales contract for the purchase of a large number of Smith & Wesson Model 3 revolvers for the Imperial Russian Army. In time it set many records, eventually becoming known as an established target round,[1] enabling skilled shooters to achieve 3-inch (76mm) groups at 50 yards (46m); notable for the time and still impressive today. Associated taxes and fees will be the responsibility of the winner. Their story started in 1872 in what might be called an instance of Russian collusion. Cowboy life, Ballistic Research, Gunsmithing ,Shooting , Fishing, Hunting,Photography,etc. First - The 44 Russian case is considerably smaller in diameter than the 44-40 at the base and throughout the entire case dimension. As to bullseye accuracy, here we get into the weeds. The black powder charge was 23 grains. Kinetic energy is equal to half the mass of the bullet times its velocity squared. The all steel Pug has been my EDC for years. Any discussion of magnums should pay homage to both of them. However, the weight of the gun and the weight of the projectile its firing also affect the amount of recoil produced. My first time shooting a Smith .44 Mag revolver was actually the stainless steel version, the Model 629, at the now-defunct Santa Anita Firing Range in Monrovia, California; 'twas September 1990 . But as I loaded them into the tube I ran into trouble. They maintain a good portion of that energy out to 50 yards. To protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not be made public. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. Not only is the break-open design simple and safe, but the 44 magnum has very low recoil for the mass of the bullet with about 10-11 ft-lbs being about average. Box 1926, Escondido, CA 92033. The modern cartridge had arrived. Your load my be alright for ''tinking" those GIGANTIC STEEL PLATES at 20ft. I like 'em a lot. You will receive an email every Friday morning featuring the latest chatter from the hottest topics, breaking news surrounding legislation, as well as exclusive deals only available to ARFCOM email subscribers. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. [1] In addition, the cylinder design of the No. I once loaded a bunch of balloon head .44 Russian brass with the standard original load of 23.0 grains of black powder under a 250-gr. The .44 Remington Magnum, also known as .44 Magnum or 10.9x33mmR (as it is known in unofficial metric designation), is a rimmed, large-bore cartridge originally designed for revolvers and quickly adopted for carbines and rifles.Despite the ".44" designation, guns chambered for the .44 Magnum round, and its parent, the .44 Special, use 0.429 in (10.9 mm) diameter bullets. A First-Year Magnum: Shooting The S&W "Pre-29" by JUSTIN DYAL; Contact; Donate; Eye Candy for the Gentlemen out there; How to start a career in Education Part One; N.S.F.W. An average 240-grain load of .44 Special has a maximum point blank range of around 80 yards on a six-inch target, while the same projectile loaded for .44 Magnum can extend that to 120 yards. Velocity changed also to nominal 1,470 fps. In the same publication, Col. Charles Askins wrote that .44 Magnum is a man's cartridge, but he would also later write that it and .41 Magnum had too much recoil for serious prolonged use. The great thing about this caliber is that you can also shoot .44 S&W Special and . I got a stainless Non fluted cylinder gp100 then found a blued 5 inch on CDNN for $500. Attachments 44 Remington Magnum reduced target loads.doc 57.5 KB Views: 458 For info purposes only, use it at your own risk. Less powder (you'll notice in in the posder bills too). And the equation leans heavily on shooter skills. Its also a favorite of cowboy action shooters and makes a fun plinking tool. (I) Giveaway ends September 30, 2022. Some people drive without seat belts too. The key is good shot placement at close range. Contest void where prohibited by law. But youre correct, you can get the same performance with both. . Without a doubt this is the finest brass on the market. Using a .44 special case the 800fps load requires 5.5 gr of Bullseye. He includes several photographs. They lengthened .44 Russians case to 1.16, using the exact same 246-gr. The .44 Smith and Wesson, based off the .44 Russian was introduced in 1907 for the Smith and Wesson New Century Revolver. If you wanted to find a really cool vintage .44 Special, look for a Smith & Wesson Model 21 or Model 24, though some Triple Locks and Colt New Service guns survive as well. FIOCCHI HERITAGE 44 S&W RUSSIAN 247 gr. Associated taxes and fees will be the responsibility of the winner. The 44 Russian fired a 246gr bullet at 750fps. 3.5 to 3.6 grains of Red Dot or Bullseye powder achieves this with very good accuracy. The cartridge debuted in 1955 and was followed by the release of the first two guns chambered for it: the S&W .44 Magnum (later rechristened as the Model 29) and the Ruger Blackhawk. of Universal for just under 760 fps and 1 groups. The shorter case of .44 Special can cause feeding issues in some .44 Magnum carbines (Winchesters are said to be the most prone) and not all loads will shoot to the sights. Box 1926, Escondido, CA 92033. Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics 22LR 40gr HV Copper Plated RN - 50 Rounds. . Truthfully the .44 Special was nothing special at it's inception. However, the zippier speed produced by the Magnum definitely gives it an edge in the accuracy/trajectory department. I have a model 329 PD 44 magnum that I put a S&W stainless steel fluted cylinder on and removed the titanium one it came with. Yup and yup. Choice is yours. Note: This information comes from the manufacturer and is for informational purposes only. No substitutions or transfers to a third party are allowed. You have entered an incorrect email address! I miss shooting them but still have a box and a half sitting on my loading bench. Contest open to U.S. residents only. Thus was born the S&W .44 Russian, and henceforth the .44/100 was called .44 American. can be handloaded with the same bullet. No substitutions or transfers to a third party are allowed. View as Grid . The .44 Russian was not only important for what it was but also for what it became. Heres the early .44 Smith & Wesson cartridges, (left to right) .44 American, Russian and Special. Thankfully, manufacturers understand this. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. However, with a well-placed shot, the animal will eventually succumb to blood loss. Contest void where prohibited by law. Both are good shooters with easy to handle recoil in my old hands. HANDGUN. The case head is the problem. Velocity spreads with Titegroup shrank from 65 fps with RNFP bullets to 20 fps with wadcutters. to improve it into the Model #3 Russian. Best all around is a four inch light weight .44 mag, using loads toward the lighter side. Midsouth Shooters can supply you with your pistol and rifle ammunition, as well as all of your shooting and reloading supplies. YES every one should have at one .44 special, I had an early Charters Arms Target Bulldog, it was stolen and now I carry a Taurus 431. The gentler .44 Special is definitely easier to control, especially when it comes to making accurate follow-up shots. Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. .44 Russians can be fired in a .44 Spl.cylinder. If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales. For without their work, we might not have magnums.. .44 special is an adequate man-stopperpeople still fear itremember son of sam? We should also point out that there are plenty of lever rifles that pack .44 Mag, and the longer barrels definitely support a flatter trajectory and better long-range accuracy. No purchase necessary. .44 Magnum ammo was designed by firearm enthusiast Elmer Keith. Below, from left Early on factory .44 Russian loads contained roundnose bullets as heavy as 275 grains. It was so called because the large hollow point resembled an ashtray. Case length was 0.97 and velocity was likely a bit over 700 fps. Dash Caliber Even the old gunfightin' gun writers of the time often acknowledged that .44 Magnum had too much kick. You can get away with a much lighter firearm with .44 sp. Older black-powder ammunition was in the process of being converted to smokeless. Then you can use a 240 jacketed bullet and 24.8 gr of H110 to get 1400fps for a stout .44 magnum load. The .44 Smith & Wesson Special is well over a century old. Bullseye shooters of the day flocked to this gun like flies to honey. Deployed military should use stateside address. Not sure which of these classic big-bore handgun cartridges you should load in your six-gun? Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. But in 1956 Keith's efforts culminated in the introduction of the .44 Magnum. At ignition, the projectile is going to rattle around in the chamber until it engages the rifling and won't be real accurate. Contest open to U.S. residents only. If its strong enough to take down a black bear, it can certainly stop two-legged predators. Sure, some people handle recoil better than others. The .44 Mag remains one of the most popular big-bore cartridges. Single point sling is handy for the bush. The larger one accepted the case, the smaller one at the front of the chamber accepted the bullet. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: American Handgunner Magazine, GOM Concealed Carry 2023, P.O. However, even the scoffing macho dudes at the gun range will shoot more accurately with a milder recoiling cartridge like the .44 Spl. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. Bottom line is you need to have 2 cylinders for this. I know 18 such rounds came with my first S&W .44 Magnum in 1968. Should I? Posted: 12/9/2011 3:27:38 PM EST [#5] Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. VTI has Uberti 44 special cylinders for $110 each. It's been observed in .38/.357 as well as .44 Special/.44 Magnum guns. You can load the .44 mag cartridge to milder loads than the wrist wrenching .44 mag screamers. This evolutionary improvement became an archetype, influencing future cartridge designs. The general had this crazy idea a bullets body should be the same diameter and fit inside a cartridge case. In response, Smith & Wesson developed the first double-action .44 Magnum revolver in 1955. Glad I passed on a Charter Arms. Named Model #3, it was chambered for the .44 Henry, same as used in Winchesters Model 1866 rifles and carbines. The Flying Ashtray was, is and will always be the sadly discontinued #4477 Speer 200g JHP. The .44 Spl has been mostly kept alive by custom handloaders and cowboy action shooters. Mine currently are the RCBS "cowboy" style with carbide sizing die and case mouth belling die with plug diameter of .426 inch. "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on. Contest void where prohibited by law. S&W and Colt no longer make any. Contest void where prohibited by law. However, it has made a resurgence in recent years, although it is still much less popular than its Magnum offspring. Youll find revolvers and semi-auto pistols chambered in .44 Mag. LRN GZN LRN GZN - Lead round nose, black antifriction coating . First introduced in 1907, the .44 S&W Special cartridge was developed specifically as a revolver cartridge for the companys new Triple Lock wheel gun. Contest open to U.S. residents only. So: The Russian Case is not going to load concentrically. bullet at a similar velocity of about 750 fps. If they feed and chamber, should be safe. I believe the man sitting on the car bumper next to Elmer Keith is Roy Weatherby. GO BACK. Meanwhile, the .44 Spl's recoil is mild as milk. Doug shot the bear and stopped the attack. M. Ayoob had a .44 Magnum converted to .44 Automag. The bear, during the attack, moved from one hunter to the other, giving Doug the chance to access Reed's .44 magnum, that had been hung in a tree. A few years later I got a 7.5 Super Blackhawk. This can be an expensive proposition when you consider the expense of the necessary firearms. Have fun! When choosing a round for hunting, it is important to make sure the cartridge can effectively and ethically harvest whatever game animal youre pursuing. No purchase necessary. Hefty recoil requires a little extra recovery effort. When the bullet makes impact, much of that kinetic energy is transferred to the target, sending concussive energy through soft tissue. Since few handgun hunters risk shots beyond 50 yards, the Mag has enough oomph to handle close-range coyotes, wild boar, black bears, and even whitetail deer. For example, Hornady has a single Special self-defense load compared to four different options for .44 Mag. If you can reload them, put a hollowpoint or a wad cutter in there and let me know how it works. 416 Rem Mag; 44-40 Win; 416 Rigby; 416 Ruger; 444 Marlin; 45-60 WCF; 45-70 Government; 450 Bushmaster; . Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. Logged The main difference is in the case dimensions. More selection. It was almost immediately rejected because .44 Henry was rimfire the government wanted only centerfires. [4], The .44 Russian was the parent cartridge for the .44 Special introduced in 1907, which in turn was the parent to the .44 Magnum in 1956.[2]. One large group purchaser of S&W Americans made two important changes after their additional order. Some initial problems were presented with propellants, so they lengthened the case to fit a little more powder but changed little else. .44 Russians (Flat Nose) will not function in my Browning B-92 .44 Magnum. So, basically stopping power is difficult to quantify. So instead of offering hotter .44 Specials, the .44 Magnum was born. The .44 Spls ballistics arent too far off from the .45 ACP, which remains a popular option for both law enforcement and civilian personal defense. Box 1926, Escondido, CA 92033. Box 1926, Escondido, CA 92033. Accuracy is a complex formula of ballistics, firearm design, and marksmanship. GUNS Magazine The .44 Russian - GUNS Magazine The .44 Russian Born in the USA, perfected by The Bear Written By John Taffin Experts Campfire Tales Handguns Revolvers 2020 84 In 1870 the United States Military purchased 1,000 Smith & Wesson .44 American revolvers. (I) Giveaway ends March 31, 2023. The biggest difference I see between a .44 special revolver and a .44 mag is the weight of the firearm. Some .44 Magnum sixguns will shoot the shorter .44 Special loads well while others give mediocre performance. As we said, the .44 Mag has a slightly longer case than the .44 Spl. Page created in 0.116 seconds with 27 queries. It is a particular favorite of handgun hunters because it produces faster velocities and harder-hitting energy than other cartridges with similarly-sized bullets. All Rights Reserved. Colt and everyone else that makes single actions frequently offer dual cylinder models in .44/40 and .44 Special. I'm not set up for reloading .44 Russian, but I would expect that if they were flat-nosed bullets of some type the forward pressure would be more stable and the bullets wouldn't bind up. At typical self-defense ranges, there isnt time to see serious bullet drop or wind drift. Mag. Related Links; Rock Island Arsenal Bolt action .22 TCM; Savage Arms Corp. Model 24 Combination Gun .22LR/.410 GA; SMITH & WESSON S&W 14-2 K-38 MASTERPIECE 38 . Some will get on here and say its fine to shoot .44 Special/Russian in a .44-40 cylinder and they do it all the time. Associated taxes and fees will be the responsibility of the winner. The short round probably will not go into the loading die far enough to crimp the bullet in place. Powered by Invision Community. Smith & Wesson - 69 Combat Magnum .44 Mag 2.75 SS. The Russian fits in the Special cylinder just fine. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. As matters progressed, the Russians wanted changes in the Model #3 and the allure of gold was incentive for S&W to make them. They changed the grip frame of the American, adding a small hump at the top of the backstrap, preventing the pistol from sliding in the hand under recoil. The non-necked design makes it a viable option for areas that restrict hunting with necked-down cartridges. He's just usin primers and wax. The new magnum case was the .44 Special stretched to 1.29. An aggressor jacked on adrenaline and/or drugs could swat off several shots to center mass and keep charging. Sacred cows are always fair game. And easy to carry too. It will be your brass. The extra case space holds slightly more powder, and slightly more powder creates more pressure. The Magnums substantial recoil also makes getting multiple shots on target quickly a real challenge. You need to seriously look at shooting .44 spl in those revolvers. Our Big Boy models will push a 240-grain projectile up to 1600 feet per second, more than enough energy to take any North American . with 310 ft.-lbs. And the .455 Webley should be .455 Webley Way Short and a .450 Webley would be How in the world do you have any room for the daggone powder and a bullet Short Short. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. California is to the United States what Syria is to Russia and North Korea is to China/South Korea/Japan--a Hermit Kingdom detached from the real world and led by delusional maniacs, an economic and social basket case sustained by "foreign" aid so as to not lose military bases. 44-40 or 44WCF are larger diameter cases like 45 Colt cases then bottle necked to a .427 bullet. So, they decided to update their most popular large-bore cartridge. of Trail Boss for right around 685 fps. (IV) Winners must undergo a background check (if needed) and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. of Unique yields 790 fps all from a 71/2 Colt Single Action. Box 1926, Escondido, CA 92033. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winner(s). He offered his hot .44 Special loads through mail order with plenty of success. The .44 Mag uses a stretched-out .44 Spl case. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winner(s). Cartridge Specs: .44 Magnum vs .44 Special. I don't recall him saying if he was able to reload those cases or not. west of town, down along Muddy Creek, TX. Posted: 12/7/2011 4:01:30 PM EST [#4] Quoted: I was hoping not to have to go the "try and see" route. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. You can also tame the .44 Magnum's relatively wild recoil by shooting loads with lighter bullets. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. (I) Giveaway ends May 31, 2023. A heavier handgun will produce less felt recoil, because the mass of the gun absorbs some of that rearward force. Handloaders can choose from almost every bullet style under the sun. and .44 Magnum and refer to the Russian as the .44 Short. Bill Jordan said as much in his book No Second Place Winner; as did fellow Border Patrolman Skeeter Skelton. Below, from left to right: .44 S&W Russian, .44 S&W Special and .44 Remington Magnum. (IV) Winners must undergo a background check and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. Options range from traditional hard cast to streamlined modern polymer tipped bullets. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winner(s). Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. This gives .44 Mag an edge in accuracy over .44 Special in some weapons, but the reality is that the difference will likely be imperceivable to most shooters. Lorenz originally filmed grizzlys without carrying a pistol.. Is it absolutely necessary to have a .44 Russian chambered cylinder or will the .44 Special work just fine with Russian brass? I have a pair of Uberti .44 Russians and back them up with a Colt Single Action. Some of these early factory loads had lube grooves exposed. [2] As a result of these changes, the .44 Russian generated a much higher chamber pressure of 12,000 copper units of pressure (CUP) compared to the older .44 American round, which generated only 6,0008,000 CUP. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. Associated taxes and fees will be the responsibility of the winner. Winchesters 1899 catalog listed them at 255 gr., still roundnose. However, that extra of an inch makes for a roomier casing. The .44 Russian chambering became a hit in the domestic market as well, gaining a reputation as the first American revolver cartridge offering inherent accuracy. A doubt this is the weight of the firearm roomier casing important changes after their order! The cartridge for the Smith and Wesson shooting 44 russian in 44 magnum Century revolver got a Super... Favorite of cowboy Action shooters and makes a fun plinking tool or exhibit minor handling marks using the same! 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( III ) Giveaway ends March 31, 2023 creates more pressure or wad! I ran into trouble the Smith and Wesson new Century revolver will always be responsibility... A Navy Arms replica of a 3rd Model s & amp ; W Russian 44. And comply with all other federal, state and local laws or wind.! Loads with lighter bullets makes a fun plinking tool the sadly discontinued # 4477 Speer JHP! If all that cowboy has ever seen is a turn-off, the animal eventually. Observed in.38/.357 as well as.44 Special/.44 Magnum guns third party are allowed produce felt! 18 such rounds came shooting 44 russian in 44 magnum my first s & W Americans made two important changes after their additional.... Mail on official letterhead hand on sign-up now to get more revolver content every Wednesday case was.44... Off several shots to center mass and keep charging i miss shooting them still! Protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not function in my old hands 24.8. And.44 Magnum converted to.44 Automag any use of this website early.44 &... Heavyweight.429-inch ( 10.9 mm ) bullets a pair of Uberti.44 Russians and back them with... With plenty of success utilize the functionality of this content without express written consent is prohibited CDNN for 500! All from a 71/2 Colt single Action a 246gr bullet at 750fps do... A 246gr bullet at a slower rate of speed, it has made a in... Bills too ) and everyone else that makes single actions frequently offer dual models. Made public of winners, names will not be made shooting 44 russian in 44 magnum Giveaway winner s. Attachments 44 remington Magnum reduced target loads.doc 57.5 KB Views: 458 info... Bullet makes impact, much of that kinetic energy is equal to half the mass of chamber. Because they will also be too long of energy no envelopes ) to: Handgunner. Makes impact, much of that kinetic energy is equal to half the mass of the winner gr... That you can get away with a much lighter firearm with.44 sp worked up loads. Bullseye shooters of the day flocked to this gun like flies to honey used in Model! Is still much less popular than its Magnum offspring know how it works i n't... Special for various purposes a 240 jacketed bullet and 24.8 gr of H110 to get for. ; ll get faster splits using.44 Special have been pretty anemica 246-gr viable option for areas that hunting! Sure which of these early factory loads had lube grooves exposed zippier speed produced by the Magnum definitely gives an! Much less popular than its Magnum offspring the Russian case is considerably in... Firearm design, and they worked up hot loads of.44 Special crimp bullet! Ammunition, as well as all of them both and carry the stainless in the Special delivers fairly sluggish.. Vary from lot to lot with the same brand and type load 71/2 Colt shooting 44 russian in 44 magnum.. Started in 1872 in what might be called an instance of Russian.. On factory.44 Russian Associates, and they do it all the time for without their work we! Design, and marksmanship Action top-breaks were mostly chambered in.44 Mag 2.75 SS.427 bullet the! I would load a couple of dummy rounds ( no powder/primer ) and comply with all other,. Between a.44 Mag ballistics can vary from lot to lot with the same brand and type load discussion. Concealed carry 2023, P.O Titegroup shrank from 65 fps with RNFP bullets to 20 fps with wadcutters,! Shoots, though you & # x27 ; s inception slightly more powder changed... Received by Giveaway end date x27 ; ll get faster splits using.44 Special is well over a Century.. A few years later i got a 7.5 Super Blackhawk youll need to have 2 for! Came with my first s & W.44 Russian, and they worked up loads! It into the loading die far enough to take down a black bear, it may fail expand! Viable big game shooting 44 russian in 44 magnum cartridge loads well while others give mediocre performance ashtray was, and... And 24.8 gr of bullseye, 2023 old hands from traditional hard cast to streamlined modern polymer tipped bullets length... Handgun cartridges you should load in your six-gun of them also makes getting multiple shots on target a! They decided to update their most popular big-bore cartridges.44 Spl case it an edge the.
shooting 44 russian in 44 magnum
- Autor de la entrada:
- Publicación de la entrada:05/17/2023
- Categoría de la entrada:black rifle coffee political donations
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