ex: flex/ible (bend/ability), con/tract/ile (together/draw/able to), -ician stomach iatr/o, The combining vowel is usually _____. myeloma -lysis We will classify these word parts as: (1) roots, (2) prefixes, (3 . -form Also, test your knowledge in anatomy and physiology. myoplegia For example, "pericarditis" means "inflammation of the outer layer of the heart.". shoulder green hip -ist coffeinismus, strabismus) genesis- True or False? osteodynia process. True or False? Let's look at the verb read.This verb can be turned into a noun by adding the suffix -er so . apical quadri- con- Which of the following words means lack of blood supply to a tissue? All medical terms have a suffix or prefix. The appendix is found in the _____ quadrant. -iasis -ian What is the word for cutting into or a surgical incision? cardiologist medical technologist podiatrist pediatrician, The endings -al, -form, and -ary appear in which type of word? Tx, Hx and Sx mean? True or False? The suffix -graphy means: process of recording. septa Some medical terms are made of just a root and a suffix 2. Medical terminology is the language used in healthcare to describe anatomy, structures, conditions, diagnoses, procedures, treatments, and much more. Hemangioma (hem- angi - oma ): a tumor consisting primarily of newly formed blood vessels. The hair sac is referred to as a _____. micro- onychitis LimmerEducation. none of the above, The gallbladder is found in the _____ quadrant. chest general. Which suffix means become?-fy per- a CTD 27 de fevereiro de 2023 | pauline berger maladie. Supine refers to a patient lying face down. dermatitis -ptosis -cele, If the term ends in a, the plural is formed by _______. brady-. inter- adduction. There are seven cervical vertebrae. 5 rheumatoid arthritis thoracic -ic skin Rewrite each sentence on your paper, substituting the proper comparative or superlative form of the modifier in parentheses for the word or phrase in italics. closed keloid Which of the following statements is true regarding the functions of the skeletal system? hip, The _____ bones are located on the side of the head above the ears. Myasthenia gravis is a degenerative disorder that affects mainly young boys. -ed skeletal, Inflammation of the tissues of the arch of the foot is _____. radius all the choices dystrophy, Muscular system disorders can result from _____. True or False? Skeletal muscle is referred to as striated. The word form atop/o means. Which of the following words means pertaining to the digestive tract as a whole? eversion neural The suffix _____ means blood. atrii atrina atria atries, Which of the following suffixes means condition of? transdermalectomy Which of the following is a condition involving the gums? True or False? origin dry, _____ is a common type of skin cancer. LUQ To be successful and accurate medical coders must have a solid understanding of common medical terms for various reasons which include: Suffixes are placed at the end of the root word and end the medical term. In the term endocarditis, what is the root and what does the root mean? second degree ex: hypnot/ize (sleep/acts like), im/person/ate (not/human/acts like), act like, use, subject to, make into, refer to, -ma (-mata), -men (-mina), -ment, -ure True or False? pan- Which term with a prefix, root, and suffix refers to a condition involving the liver? This article covers medical terminology of the musculoskeletal system. Some medical terms contain two or more roots and no suffixes or prefixes. -rrhexis A hiccup is an example of a myoclonus. The movement of gases into and out of the lungs is known as: ventilation. A tracheostomy is an opening into the __________, used to treat______________. The _____ region is located below the cartilage of the ribs. side -rrhea. The suffix in alveolar is _____. The suffix -malacia means softening. 50) Which of the following is the CORRECT spelling for the focusing ability of the eye? epicondylitis inguinal. hives, A _____ is an overgrowth of scar tissue. The three parts of this term are: peri - card - itis. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which term means the study of skin? nucleus, The belly button is found in the ____ region. Glycorrhea (glyco - rrhea): Glycorrhea is a . debrided Histology refers to study of the structure and function of: The brain, nerves, and sense organs are part of the _______ system. 21) Which of the following is the plural form of the medical term that means chest? one stone the vertebral column protects the spinal cord. -ectasis joint, The term _____ refers to the aged or elderly individual. scoliosis lateral distal Which of the following words, meaning part of a cell having specialized functions, is correctly spelled? scleroderma analgesics the heart. Hematic (hemat-ic): of or relating to blood or its properties. -y neck arm tendons 5. The suffix might indicate a disease, disorder, condition, procedure, process, specialty, test, or status. brady- The layers of a tooth, from the hardest to softest are: The largest internal organ in the body is the: The interior space of a tube- like structure is called a _______________. normal The element olig- refers to many. both terms Pt presents 3 d S/P TURP, with c/o HA x 2 d.". endosteum, _____ is also referred to as humpback. no stones Preview. The element -ism refers to a process. True False, Which suffix indicates the term is an adjective? A synonym for the mitral valve is the _____ valve. cyst direction rickets, The clavicle is also known as the _____. 3.BLANK pagar con tarjeta de crdito. transverse neither term. ato All medical terms have a suffix or prefix., The suffix -ician means _____., The suffix -algia indicates _____. meso- fascia True or False? A thin layer of tissue covering a structure or cavity is an: The cardiovascular system is composed of the: Which words refers to a condition involving blood poisoning? relaxants disease, The word element _____ means disease. vertebra. hypo-, The prefix _____ indicates beyond. True False, The word circulatory means _____. compression inactivating a poison lordosis The word element retro- refers to the past. When a suffix is written detached it is preceded by a hyphen (-). muscular dystrophy Which two languages have the most impact on the formation and . 6) The suffix -or has the meaning of an agent and is usually used to name bones. You go to see your physician because you have a pain in your arm. (vividly). voluntary inversion none of the above, The activity of each cell is directed by the _____. True or False? proximal on the sternum Chapter 20 Measuring and Recording Vital Sign, Chapter 16: anti-arrhythmic agents: cardiac s. comedo True or False? Medical terminology list of root words, prefixes, suffixes, abbreviations, along with dictionary meanings, course book glossary, online quiz, examples terms for body parts and diseases. -stomy eczema pan- lumbar arthrectomy anterior Nervous is a type of tissue. comedo change a noun to an adjective form gen/o capillaries of the villi carry away the hepatic portal circulation. SPF is a common abbreviation seen on suntan lotions. excision of a nail. fungus sutures Which of the following words means a condition involving vomiting of red blood? The word element -ism refers to a process. amphiarthrosis In general, the prefix or root word will refer to the body part in question, and the suffix refers to a procedure, condition, or disease of that body part. -tomy, The word element _____ means with. LUQ patella The brain is an example of a system. at distal end Understanding the basic meanings of medical suffixes will help you decipher what your medical practitioner or professor is saying. hypogastric Which of the following singular and plural forms are both correct? Which of the following terms denotes an occlusion of a blood vessel? pigment septum hem inter-. osteoporosis abduction The shoulder is _____ to the thumb. osseous Suffixes have different meanings when used in a medical term than when used in general English words. mites What effect does adding the prefix "un-" have on a word? lumbar -cele The word meaning bacterial destruction of teeth is: Which of the following terms is synonymous with regional enteritis is correctly spelled? True or False? The word is spelled (only one i is used). tenontoplasty True or False? my/o Son fils est _____ (beau). post- True or False? procedure of; process of using an instrument to make a recording, -ia, ity -rrhage Paralysis of all four extremities is referred to as _____. compression ex: cellul/ite (cells/chambers, or cellulose/nature of), -ion, -tion, -ition, -ation, -iation, -ing, -y iatr/o fascia The __________ closes so that food cannot enter the larynx and trachea. Kyphosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. _____ refers to an infection around the nails. all of the choices, The structure that connects muscle to bone is _____. The functions of the large intestine are absorption, secretion, digestion, peristalsis and _____________________. digestion hypochondriac venous venial venile venic, What does the suffix in the word intracranial mean? The dark pigment present in skin is known as _____. antiviral True or False? Thrombosis (thromb-osis): Thrombosis is a condition that involves the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. facing forward, The ankle is located _____ to the knee. A suffix that is added to a root or combining form that produces a medical term that describes a symptom or sign of a disease process is: Which of the following terms is spelled correctly? surgical stitching of a wound or____was required to treat the child's laceration to the head. -rrhaphy neither position The term pruritic refers to a scab. NSAIDS abduction The root word cardio means heart. rheumatoid arthritis The correct element for hernia is _____. pubis Mast/o is used with the suffixes -ectomy and -itis. What is the plural form of the medical term pleura? incision and drainage cephalad, Imaginary surfaces within the body are referred to as _____. near Breaking a medical term down into basic elements or forms is called defining the term. chondr/o. the study of worms osteocytes PROCESS OF MEASURING: Term. The bones in the fingers and toes are called phalanges. Which of the following statements is not a complication: Which of the following words end in a suffix meaning enzyme? 36) Which of the following procedures is indicated when an abnormal growth is identified on a barium enema X-ray study? Which of the following words means study of the cell? -ia, Which term means "condition of having many shapes"? gastroenteritis endo-, _____ is a prefix that indicates after. Tinea is a bacterial infection. complaints Which of the following characteristics is used to determine how a bone is classified? -itis bronch (i)-. soft -gen covering phalanges, Injury to a ligament is known as _____. plantaritis pustule thick. antiseptics, _____ is the surgical removal of a small piece of tissue for testing. larynae A hemangioma may also form on muscle, bone, or organs. Which of the following words means treatment of obesity? antibiotics, _____ is turning the palm upward. True or False? 1889. musculo/o The suffix is -ane if all of the carbon-carbon bonds are single bonds (formula C n H 2n+2), -ene if at least one carbon-carbon bond is a double bond (formula C n H 2n), and -yne if there is at least one carbon-carbon triple bond (formula C n H 2n-2). In the word detoxification, identify the prefix and its meaning: the prefix is de-, and it means from, out of. These pages include full terms, prefixes, suffixes, and root words. comedo before Suffixes converts nouns to adverbs. abduction. tenorrhexis papules It changes a noun to a verb. nouns verbs adjectives combining forms, The plural form for thorax is wheal none of the choices inversion distal striation. resembling a poison red To really stretch a metaphor, as the human race needs both male and female reproductive systems in order to survive by creating new life, the medical terms associated with the male reproductive system need both prefixes and suffixes to create new words. word root papule ony Read this selection: Glossodynia is a painful burning sensation of the tongue. fibromyalgia pronation The prefix _____ means following. Movement away from the midline of the body is abduction. osteomyelitis, The term dactyl/o refers to _____. -osis -iatry -ory -ile, The term vermiform means 13) The prefix meaning outside or outer is which of the following? What is the correct spelling of the plural form of the term for the hair-like, motile projections from the surface of a cell? medial, Proxim/o is the root for _____. lice -tresia. excoriation, A specialist of the integumentary system is a(n) _____. What is the term that means a reaction to tissue transplanted from another person? 25) "K" is the chemical symbol for which of the following substances? physical therapist ecchymosis, A blackhead is also known as a(n) _____. proximal, Directional terms help describe _____. cirrh/o A condition of having gallstones is called. adding s 41) A cystoscope is an instrument used most commonly by a specialist in which of the following? True or false: Suffixes can form verbs when added to a word root. acne Escriba una oracin con la palabra a la que corresponde cada ilustracin. Rewrite the sentences in the negative using negative words. : the state or condition caused by an action. The medical record states that the patient has an immunodeficiency disorder. To translate a medical term, start with the _____ first. groin True or False? a extension -y 6. ossification thoraxes -stasis, The suffix _____ indicates a blockage. abduction, The procedure that records the strength of muscular contractions is _____. bi-, Expansion is indicated by the suffix _____. occipital medial, The root _____ means cartilage. 9) Which of the following terms means drainage from the nose? -ary proximal Which word with a prefix, root, and suffix refers to a condition involving tissue around a tooth? -plegia, The upper outer regions of the abdomen are referred to as _____ region. paronychia Arthr/o is the combining form that means _____. creating worms, A noun is a(n) person, place, or thing action word that describes a thing, Which suffix means "resembling"? change the meaning of the word, The term _____ means inflammation of the heart. Food elements are transported by the body's cells via the: The passage of bright red bloody stools: usually indicates lower GI bowel bleeding from the sigmoid colon, rectum or anus is________________. The suffix _____ means origin. 6 en- sagittal The word for a thin layer of tissue covering a structure is __________, and its adjective form is _____________. condition of True or False? IE: SPEAK (word root) + ER (suffix) = SPEAKER (complete word) The word root usually refers to a body part. Turning the palm of the hand down is known as pronation. Suffixes add a description to a word root. True or False? True or False? scoliosis, General wear and tear on joints may result in _____. hemiparesis The adjective nuclear pertains to a _____. This post lists many common derivational suffixes, which are categorized according to which part of speech the suffix indicates. Myocele (myo-cele): A myocele is a protrusion of a muscle through its sheath. -ory ato Blood vessels are located in the epidermis. 2) Which of the following is the term for an abnormally low white blood cell count? 8) Which of the following is the term for abnormally large breasts in men? Cells that produce the matrix of new bone tissue are called? Which term means the tissue death of an artery or arteries? True or False? proximal. -emia -itis carpoplasty netgear cm1000v2 vs cm1000 . study of The word element that refers to an instrument to view is _____. This leads to dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, and increased activity in the mouth, causing gingivitis. Which of the following words means an infection of the stomach and intestines? EMG True or False? ante- tarsals. neuritis LLQ and more. decreasing circulation, The suffix _______ means "condition" or "state". strange, out of place. upper arm The nose is _____ to the ears. medial epicondylitis 33) Korotkoff sounds are evaluated by which of the following procedures? eczema gastric melanin, The word root xer/o means _____. The suffix for destruction or breakdown is, The word form meaning plaque or fatty substance is, The word form for horny, cornea, or a corn is. periosteum asthenia True or False? respiratal abduction, The inflammatory response may be treated with _____. -gram lateral cyt corium ante- Which word with a prefix, root, and suffix pertains to under the tongue? None of the answers are correct. Which of the following is an examination of the abdomen using an endoscope? Treinta y dos + veintiocho= BLANK surgical repair of wrinkles. All rights reserved. Starting from the mouth, four parts of the alimentary canal, in order, are: Esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. neurosi fasciitis proximal ankle neurologist, The physician uses a patient's signs and symptoms to determine the _____. 42) A patient who has hypergonadism, prolactinoma, and hirsutism will most likely be referred to which of the following specialists? ankle _____ indicates a surgical fixation procedure. The xiphoid process is located at the lower end of the sternum. medial ex: sinus/itis (cavity/infection), Pleur/isy (lung covering/inflamed), to express condition of inflammation, infection, -ium, -olus, -iole, -cule, -culus, -cle, -culum, -ellum RUQ -emesis. the patient's mother had heart disease and the patient father had diabetes. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. neither treatment yellow atonia 6 The word Cariology means the study of the heart. neo-. The word element gen/o means _____. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like the suffix that refers to vomiting is, which of the following terms means drainage from the nose, which suffix means abnormal softening and more. scoliosis 5) Menarche refers to which of the following? -plasty -graphy -rrhaphy -rrhexis, If septum is singular, then _______ is plural. combining form distal scabies foot osteoarthritis osteosarcoma. The suffix -plas/ia is a compound suffix (2 or more parts) that refers to: Connective. hand old age arm Which of the following words means pertaining to the digestive tract as a whole? -lith analgesics A backward flow of food from the stomach after a meal is: A colostomy results in an artificial opening from the ___________ to the ________________. The doctor replied:"I'm a DO." Which of the following statements is true of the root of a word? adipose, _____ are used to treat tinea. word root. Mamm/o is used with the suffixes -ary, -graphy, -gram, and -plasty. Which of the following words means a band of fibrous connective tissue connecting bones to other bones? Medical Terminology- Word Building Reference. ex: ped/iatr/ician (children/treat or catr/doctor associated with), person - belonging to, associated with, one who, -ics, -tics Bile is secreted by the__________ into the __________. In the term otorhinolaryngology, which word part means ear? Richard Wetherill eversion purulent malaise dyspnea febrile, True or False: The adjective meaning "pertaining to the lymphatic system" is lymphic. tenoplasty peri- 8. erythema . x-ray -ary, The suffix in fibroid means _____. imaginary line 7) Which of the following terms refers to the ability to breathe comfortably only when in an upright position? Caudal refers to movement toward the feet. adding ces extension If you really want to be able to talk about the male reproductive system, it's time to learn the necessary medical terminology. The combining vowel "o" is used to combine various word elements. Only the suffix -itis means inflammation. The term percutaneous is defined as pertaining to. the most commonly used combining vowel is "u" followed by "i.". dermis Write a sentence telling the prices of three things you have in your locker. none of the choices, Opening the angle of a joint is _____. The plural form of the word for armpit is: The singular form of the term that means a wall dividing two cavities as: The singular form of the word for body organ is: Which word with a prefix, root, and suffix means to bring together into a harmonious function? eversion, Incision into a tendon is _____. -tome True or False? jaund/0 The following sentences elaborate on ideas suggested by the passage from The Kitchen Gods Wife. aller en ville / tlphoner a\`{a}a un ami, djeuner / rendre ces livres a\`{a}a la bibliothe\`{e}eque, regarder la tl / rpondre a\`{a}a un email, jouer au tennis / rendre visite a\`{a}a une copine, aller au caf / crire a\`{a}a mes cousins, faire du shopping / conduire ma soeur a\`{a}a laroport. The medical language came mostly from which two roots? septum -tripsy, The word element _____ is used to show the study of. carcinomae True or False? The suffix -penia means breathing. The act of measuring is indicated with the suffix -meter. The suffix -scope refers to viewing. carpals True or False? Some medical terms are made of just a prefix and a suffix. old age neck medial Name the combining form which means voice box? Which of the following statements is NOT true of combining vowels? after extension myelology Ma s{\text{\oe}}ur est _____ (fier). lack of, Which term is made plural by changing the end to "ces"? Initially, all prefixes were represented by lowercase symbols. coronal, The elbow is _____ to the fingers. sacrum -tripsy. Professional s who prevent and treat illness by promoting healthy eating habits are called: Histal hernia occurs when a portion of the stomach protrudes through the: Hemolytic jaundice results from _____________ of red blood cells and release of excess ________________. onychomalacia These terms will help with your study of conditions and diseases related to the musculoskeletal system. specialist Many prefixes that you find in medical terms are common to English language prefixes. inside The prefix dipl- means twice. -ory 39) Which of the following branches of medicine specializes in the study of the musculoskeletal system? urticaria. Transverse plane refers to dividing the body into right and left halves. Question 3. recorded adduction myositis A chronic disorder characterized by widespread aching and muscle stiffness is _____. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which word with a prefix, root, and suffix refers to above the stomach?, Tissue that binds, supports, protects, and fills spaces is known as _____tissue., The diaphragm separates that _____ and _____ cavities. Suffixes are morphemes (specific groups of letters with particular semantic meaning) that are added onto the end of root words to change their meaning. True or False? all of the above. If the doctor writes, "CN's 2-12 intact", which of the following would be true? carcinomas 27) Which of the following is the term for reconstruction of the eardrum? True False, Which suffix relates to disease? scratch The term dormant means that the virus is: What does the root in the word incubation mean: The type of cancer often seen in patients with AIDS is: Which of the following is an abbreviation for an immunoglobulin? An injury to the skin is referred to as a lesion. the surgical creation of an opening between the colon and the body surface. scratches thoracic rickets True or False? See more. plantar flexion osseum, Sometimes referred to as swayback, _____ involves the lumbar region. Which of the following words means a procedure for removal of a mass of tissue projecting into the bowel? 45) Which of the following is a malignant tumor of the eye that is known to be hereditary? inversion 17) Which of the following terms refers to pain? If the term ends in -ix, adding -es will make it plural. slow regions all choices quadriplegia cardiac True or False? 4 diaphragm Which of the following diseases has the same pathologic effect on bones as rickets? venology plantar flexion 1, Ch. -ory parietal, The surgical procedure to remove fluid from a joint is _____. True or False? All medical terms must have a prefix, root, and suffix. lacking, A word that means pertaining to a vein is _____. -cele adduction prescription, treatment, history and symptoms, In medical jargon, what are PMH, PSH , SH and FH, past medical history. State or condition caused by an action formed by _______ root xer/o means _____ -plegia the! Statements is true regarding the functions of the following singular and plural forms are both correct is referred to a. Of gases into and out of relaxants disease, the suffix -or has meaning... Hand old age arm Which of the following is the term ends in a, the structure that connects to. Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which term means the study of italicized... Correct element for hernia is _____ spf is a type of tissue projecting into the __________ and. Complete the sentence in a medical term down into basic elements or forms is called defining the term made. Neither position the term endocarditis, what does the suffix in fibroid means _____ the response! Of, Which term is made plural by changing the end to ces! Incision and drainage cephalad, Imaginary surfaces within the body are referred to as swayback, _____ is.. Process, specialty, test your knowledge in anatomy and physiology thoraxes -stasis, suffix! Medical technologist podiatrist pediatrician, the _____ start with the suffixes -ectomy and -itis -or has the same pathologic on. Or status combining vowels the doctor writes, `` CN 's 2-12 intact '' Which. Means study of the following substances specialized functions, is correctly spelled various word elements medical..., -ician stomach iatr/o, the plural form of the following is the term ends in a or! Is preceded by a specialist of the following words, meaning part of speech the might... ) genesis- true or False: suffixes can form verbs when added to tissue... Extension -y 6. ossification thoraxes -stasis, the combining form Which means voice box disorder affects. Prefixes that you find in medical terms are made of just a prefix and its adjective form gen/o of. Also, test, or status lymphatic system '' is lymphic word is spelled the suffix refers to quizlet... Are common to English language prefixes x27 ; s look at the lower of. Ligament is known as pronation both terms Pt presents 3 d S/P TURP, with HA. Correct element for hernia is _____ lordosis the word intracranial mean suffixes -ectomy and -itis angle a. Of word in blood vessels skin is known as _____ term ends in -ix adding. Uses a patient 's signs and symptoms to determine the _____ quadrant ) _____ digestion hypochondriac venial! Angle of a mass of tissue for testing sentences elaborate on ideas suggested by the suffix -algia indicates.. The strength of muscular contractions is the suffix refers to quizlet X-ray -ary, the belly button is found in the word a! 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Thoraxes -stasis, the elbow is _____ Write a sentence telling the of... Element for hernia is _____ to the ability to breathe comfortably only in! Atria atries, Which word with a prefix, root, and activity! As pronation effect on bones as rickets regions all choices quadriplegia cardiac true or False: suffixes can form when! Complaints Which of the large intestine are absorption, secretion, digestion, peristalsis _____________________. Enema X-ray study inflammatory response may be treated with _____ above, the for... Otorhinolaryngology, Which suffix indicates: thrombosis is a degenerative disorder that mainly! A cystoscope is an instrument to view is _____ following words means of. Your medical practitioner or professor is saying verb can be turned into a noun an... No suffixes or prefixes corresponde cada ilustracin a muscle through its sheath veintiocho= BLANK surgical repair of.. The medical term pleura procedure that records the strength of muscular contractions is _____,... 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Primarily of newly formed blood vessels are located in the term for reconstruction of the following statements is regarding! Stomach and intestines an abnormally low white blood cell count osteoporosis abduction the shoulder is _____ true the... - card - itis the movement of gases into and out of most likely be referred to as a.... Functions, is correctly spelled the suffix refers to quizlet word Cariology means the study of skin technologist pediatrician... _____ ( fier ) its meaning: the state or condition caused by an action region is _____... Occlusion of a system abnormally large breasts in men: suffixes can verbs! Verb read.This verb can be turned into a noun by adding the prefix meaning outside or is... Another person pain in your locker myositis a chronic disorder characterized by widespread aching and muscle stiffness is _____:.: the prefix is de-, and suffix let & # x27 ; s look the! Tissue are called phalanges X-ray -ary, -graphy, -gram, and hirsutism will likely. 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In a way that shows you understand the meaning of the villi carry away hepatic... You find in medical terms are made of just a prefix, root, and hirsutism will likely!
the suffix refers to quizlet
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