The thing is, then youll see them talk the same way to someone else and some people, especially water signs will see this as a betrayal when they dont mean to hurt anyone, they are just natural socials and want to extend the same kindness and communication to everyone. Their names are Jacob, Paul, and Seth. Chiron in the 9th house can manifest as growing up believing in a specific religion/philosophy, only to drastically change your beliefs as a young adult or as an adult. Capricorn degrees- 10, 22: public office, public official, coal, slow, delay, decay, cold, fear, depression, control, the color black, ambition, father, coldness, and public attention. Donald Trump has this and hes still here. They can feel very isolated and alienated and the infamouscharming awkwardness Pisces can have definitely comes from this feeling of being thelocal weirdo lol. Alternatively, you may be required to travel abroad for work, or you may be a pastor/priest. Ive also noticed that they need a lot of reassurance from those around them, as they sometimes truly feel as if their thoughts are driving them insane. My IC is in the 25 which is an Aries degree and I had a very rough childhood. You have the potential to be a philosophical or religious leader. you can post it but give me credits <3 english isn't my first language so I'm sorry for grammatical errors! This is just a random compilation of Astrology Observations & Tips , Originally posted by untouchable-stardust, Please do NOT repost any of my work on any other social media platform . Hmm, maybe I have, people who have Venus/Pluto aspects also attract intense energy from others. Saturn is the planet of karma & it quite literally forces you to mature. If mercury retrograde is occurring in Aquarius, and you have an Aquarius placement, you will also likely be affected. I actually think its quite similar to having someones moon falling in your 12th. Anyway its done now its better to move on and not mourn. So, I thought Id just provide a brief list of occupations/careers that would be best suited to you, based on your Chiron placement. So as some of you may know I am extremely interested in forensic Astrology, and I have been researching it quite closely over the past few months. 2,190 Likes, 52 Comments - Astrology Observations (@sosastrology) on Instagram: "Credit: melancholyy-mermaid, saturnianneptune & darkacademicvirgo on Tumblr!! As in, they either thought I was a lot better than I actually am or a lot worse. A lot of the Scorpio risings who relate to that are probably Swati in Vedic astrology- Swati struggles with this because Swati is the ultimate middle Nakshatra, so it is always attuned to the hidden world andspace inbetween. For example volleyball on sand ground, badminton or simply throwing frisbee. Not EVERY water mercury is going to be sensitive, but they tend to favor emotion/intuition over rationality and logic most of the time. Mercury retrogrades are arguably one of the more popular and mainstream astrological happenings. However, it can also show a couple who bonds over their shared problems. Please do not repost my work on any other social media platform . A lot of the poetry I write, has been centered around my experiences in love (the 7th house and the 7 degree). However, they are not these scary and life altering occurrences that people like to make them out to be. Chart Readings are Still Open (unfortunately I am not offering free readings at this time for those who have asked). People who have malefics (Saturn & Mars) in the 7th and 11th house, are often hesitant (closed-off) when it comes to close partnerships or friendships. What would you be known for if you were a criminal ? In synastry, Ive noticed that couples who have Hard aspects (squares, oppositions, conjunctions) to each others Venus and Mars, often have very steamy/active sex lives. I have a sag Venus, so I really bore easily if I dont find a romantic partner interesting. Also, @saintzjenx stated in her post about this degree that it can refer to abandonment. astrology thoughts/observations of the week. I havent posted in a while as I do have a full time job. When it comes to family synastry, if you have 2nd our 8th house overlays with a family member it can suggest that you help them out financially or perhaps they help YOU out financially. Also does tarot if u like Sun posts a mix of astro and tarot. You are extremely ambitious but you are often impatient, and you have the tendency to give up on something before giving it time to mature, and bear fruit. Example someone having a Sagittarius mars in a libra degree may be a little more shy and less confrontational way they may think through it more. Nor are we evil LMAO. The thing is, having a Scorpio Sun or Moon can make you very deep thinking too, but the thing about Scorpio rising is that this mode of deep thinking is initiated in their IMMEDIATE, environment, because thats what the rising sign is about. If its Venus, their lives may be influenced greatly by romantic partnerships or beneficial business partnerships. They also have many squares in their synastry. They just completely move on. Aries Venus people are often attracted to partners who are ambitious and accomplished. The misalignment with Libra & Scorpio is a big reason why I stick with Vedic often too- Libras in western often dont embody balance so much as the embody the pickiness of Virgo, and Scorpios in Western are often very artistic, relationship oriented, and scared totip the scales more like Libra then Sagittarians are often very deep and tend to have troubled pasts and demons more like Scorpio. PISCES risings - aww man, I love you guys Ive noticed a lot of Pisces risings tend to feel like outcasts in this world. However, you will likely enter your next solar return year in a completely different financial, physical or even emotional head space. astrology observations pt.1 Scorpio Moons may feel as children less loved by their mother than one specific sibling (sometimes the closest sibling they have out of all the siblings they have) but something I have noticed is that when they grow up it reverses and they are the ones who become their mother's favorite children. If you own your own business you may see an improvement in sales or clients over this next year. Scorpio midheavens just have to learn to be okay with being the villain in everyones story. Chiron person might have a deep rooted wound connected with them or because of them for the rest of their life. You will never forget anyone who you have this synastry with, as it is THAT intense. So for me, Im very motivated when it comes to creativity. In many instances I also found myself being very offended at the things they would say to me. a lot of virgo moons are so awkward that they accidentally come off rude but it's really . Ive actually seen this happening a few times! They are much more private about their curious nature (can result to getting background info about you from friends or/and social media). However, I thought of keeping the posts while being on my blog but unfortunately I felt like my old self is hunting me and trying to Lure me back and I tried to leave the blog and just make another one but I couldnt i feel a strong connection to this one that I cant describe. Their minds work differently than most. So a person that has Sun sign the same as your Chiron sign. But the moral of this story is that synastry isnt the end all and be all! Libra Chiron is very prone to jealousy. However, I ultimately believe the house person will always feel it more. But they force you to re-examine and re-visit your traumas so that you may move forward. let me know if you want me to do another one. For example, lets say the composite rising sign is Scorpio, and one of the people have a Scorpio Moon, Venus, & Mars. Taurus degrees- 2, 14, 26: wealth, the voice, singing, money, the color green, luxuries, the earth. Always with earthy, rich purpose. Of course there are exceptions, especially if you take in considerations Moon, Rising and other very important placements. A note on the difference between a composite and a synastry chart! My take is: ARIES MOON CAPRICORN MOON CANCER VENUS GEMINI MOON VIRGO, GEMINI OVER THE 7TH HOUSE They pick people that they think they can help. Pay attention to the house in which your chart ruler is placed. Note: it might be a little different from other theories, but this is how I usually do it. Now, couples that I often see that are unexpected couples, but doesnt really work that great after years (especially if theres lack of effort as well) were Sagittarius Sun-Cancer Sun, Aries Sun-Virgo Sun, Aquarius Sun-Cancer Sun, Taurus Sun-Leo Sun. Part of Body: Second rib Sabian Symbol: Two people talking in a foreign language in a crowd. Their main topics in life that they learn are connected with family members, raising children, how they define family, creating a sense of security, safety for themselves. They will ALWAYS affect people who have Virgo and Gemini placements since they are ruled by mercury. your 5th house being in the 6 degree). I was taking a look into the synastry between Ryan Reynolds & Blake lively (who are currently expecting their 4th child together) *Edit* apparently there IS a birth time for Blake (shes a Leo rising) Their synastry has always intrigued me as Blakes 5 Virgo placements (her personal planets) all fall into Ryans 12th house! Sagittarius Moon often represent the natives mother comes from a big family (sometimes religious or with high morals/ideals), but often happens that individual doesnt want children of their own or doesnt want to get married. If the planet is Venus in the 6th, the individual may have a sweet tooth! Midheaven in Eros Persona chart indicates your sexual reputation, whether you are seen as a player, someone who often changes sexual partners, monogamous etc. Please do know that if your chart ruler is Saturn, things will get a lot easier for you, after your first Saturn return! Saturn transiting your 1st house is often associated with weight loss, and I can confirm that weight-loss is very likely during this transit. Scorpio degrees- 8, 20: secrets, death, sex, insurances, taxes, jealousy, pregnancy, manifestation, wealth, to take from others, and borrowing. 18: So apparently this aspect is pure evil. For me, my Mercury is in the 19 in the 8th house at 10. im in my twilightbera again and i cant unsee this, Best wishes on your journey. So for me, my Saturn is in the 25 and falls in the 6th house at 18. There are transits out there that are far more difficult than mercury retrograde (transits from Pluto and Saturn that involve squares and oppositions to your natal planets as an example). Oh also they dislike the concept of mukbang, not really keen on crunching and chewing sounds. The New Moon occurred on the 20th in the sign of Pisces, and the First Quarter Moon will occur tomorrow. So, your individual chart, and any other major co-occurring transits, will determine how your Jupiter return is likely to manifest. Or is it a malefic (mars/Saturn)? They dont go back to their ex unless placed in a Water house (4th, 8th, 12th) or due to other influences in the other chart. Most people hear this term and start to panic instantly. Where we have squares and oppositions in our charts, are just the areas of life, where we will need to work a little harder to overcome any issues that may arise. Scorpio Risings are super intriguing. Its connected to beauty, and charm. Please dont continue reading if this triggers you. this is my first astrology post ahh please support me hehe I hope you like this! So for me, my Mercury being in the 19 means that I'm very good at mediating arguments and disputes, which is very true. People who have Chiron or Pluto in the 7th, or 11th may also resonate with the feeling of not being able to trust certain friends or partners. Your mature years are shown by 9th, 10th and 11th house. Water mercuries often communicate from a place of emotion, and they often take criticism from others very personally. For example, a couple who both have similar mental health problems, or a couple who are both recovering from addiction etc this couple needs to be careful of the potential tendency to enable each others bad habits or delusions. However, Ive seen this placement in a Solar Return chart as having something significant happen. One of the most straightforward manifestations of this overlay is that the ascendant person could literally be older than you, or they can be someone you look up to in some way. Sad to hear about your announcement. Anything related to long distance travels, higher education, religion, philosophy & worldviews is likely to be involved in what you do for work. Sorry I kinda rambled here. Mars: Your degree here shows your motivations and where theyre centered as well as how you are when youre angry. When the moon transits your 12th house, you may feel very introspective over those 2.5 days (give or take) You may even experience feelings of sadness and isolation during this transit. Having a Sagittarius Rising in a composite chart can suggest that the two people met abroad! "The French satirical magazine has once again come under fire for its provocative comic strips.". The moon person may feel as if the Sun person doesnt really try and understand their emotional nature., Tell me your major 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) sign and houses and I will tell you with who I would match you with! I have always been fascinated at why some deaths are more publicized than others, and if astrology can explain this. You have Aquarius over the 3rd house and your father is Aquarius Rising. Alternatively, you may be the eternal student. People who have their natal moon or mercury square Uranus often struggle when it comes to overthinking/experiencing intrusive thoughts. Ive seen quite a lot of long-term couples with Virgo Sun-Scorpio Sun, Virgo Sun-Aquarius Sun, Cancer Sun-Gemini Sun, Aquarius Sun-Leo Sun. Declinations in synastry (parallels and contra parallels) can also tell you a lot about your relationship. 8th house shows how people will react to your death and the consequences of your death. I noticed one of the shortcomings of Aquarius Moon or Moon in the 11th house man in a relationship is that he likes that his girl is able to hang with the boys and gets along well with his friends. Uranus in the 3rd is such an underrated intelligence placement. Theres also insecurities related to their ability to attract romantic partners with this placement. I will not lie, when Saturn stationed retrograde RIGHT on my ascendant, i felt strong feelings of sadness and despondency. You are likely to be feeling rather introspective and isolated from others. Remember, these arent the be all end all. Also quite literally, I think about love a lot and always find myself dreaming about being in a relationship. Overtime the two people may find that theres a disconnect between them. If its Venus, you may work in the beauty industry, law and diplomacy, or anything related to the arts. Contrary to popular belief, Aquarius placements are actually some of the most loyal people. Other than this, there can be an ethereal and self-sacrificing love that exists between the two. I can never escape it. It really taught me how to stay strong in the midst of adversity. Cancer over the 8th house: your family (especially the mother) and relatives will react strongly to your death. Your 4th house (IC) can also show how other people perceive your upbringing. I am quite excited to know lol I donno any Hollywood people's name, exception are there tho, maybe this way I will be introduced to new people haha , Goodbye friend, Hi there! This is actually one of the best times to start a business or to start networking, as you will likely reap the benefits! During this time, I started planning for my future and getting serious about my life. If someones moon falls into your 4th house, you likely feel very comfortable around them, and you tend to tell them things that you usually wouldnt tell other people. I am also not someone who is naturally a very emotional person, but my emotions were all over the place during this transit. Id guess its because the majority of the time, a Leo rising will have fierce, loving, protective and loyal Scorpio in the 4th house of home, family, and the heart space. If you have this aspect natally, or have an outer planet squaring your sun in your birth chart, this may not be a completely terrible transit, as you are likely used to this energy. <3. BUT Ascendant show how you behave when you are face to face one on one with someone. So, for my placements: Sun in Libra (10th house), Moon in Virgo (9th house) Rising in Sagittarius (1st house) relevant additional information: I've got a stellium in Scorpio on my 11th house. Jupiter transiting the 7th house of a composite chart, can show a time in which the two people get married or make their relationship official. However, relationships that end during a mercury retrograde often dont stay broken up for long. Its more of a comfortable vulnerability rather than feeling as if they see right through you. Saturn governs longevity after all, and the 10th house rules over our careers and our reputation, so this definitely makes sense. However, with 7th house synastry accompanying it, I actually took the people I had 7th and 5th house synastry with quite seriously. The 8th house IS the house of change, death, and transformation. Also, Pisces Moon men seem to be women haters, Pisces moon woman is usually very confused as to what they want out of partnership. Disclaimer: degrees just add a value, a sign's energy to a planet, but are not to be considered as a second sign to that placement. If you have an Aries Moon, you may have experienced your mother as someone who was argumentative and somewhat aggressive growing up. I really do think that I am not the only one appreciating your astrology content and I wish you wouldn't have deleted the posts. Whilst still on the topic of death, Ive found that the midheaven can also represent the legacy we leave and how people react to our passing. what would you say are some indicators in the birth chart of being attracted to younger people? Relationships for me have to be fun (I have a Sag Venus & Mars). ARIES risings tend to embody this energy of being both slightly distant, slightly somewhere else, yet simultaneously very on edge and physically responsive to their surroundings. I wish it wasnt that way, because you seem cool. - I admire you from the sidelines because you seem cool and Im just a dork. - Senpai, notice me??? Sad to hear about your announcement. Ascendant: So your degree here deals with what youre showing to the world. For example, lets say your mother has multiple planets (especially her Sun or her Venus) falling into your 8th house. They will do thenormal stuff like go to school/work, do normal every day stuff but theyll often not fully divulge whats going on emotionally (which is why to me it makes sense that Sagittarius becomes Scorpio in most cases in Vedic). This doesnt mean they cant be monogamous, because most of them are, contrary to popular belief. It is also said that this degree can symbolize karma from a previous life, and that theres a lesson that you didnt learn from a past life and brought it into this life. Its important to learn to channel focus, love into people that actually benefit them and their mood. Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1. I like to communicate through my art. So again, be skeptical with this one. Whereas, the other partner has no major placements that correlate with the composite chart placements, the person who has placements in the signs of the major composite chart placements, will likely be more impacted by the relationship. I usually do this to hide and avoid how I really feel. My love there's no " Isra*l " it was Palestine, still Palestine and will always be Palestine those who call themselves " Isra*lis" are guests who remained more than they should in the Palestinian land. Nikola has claimed that throughout his research, he has found that people with planets, houses, lunar nodes, vertex, the 4 cardinal points (AC, IC, DC, MC), and aspects have all been linked to making remarkable achievements and were highly respected. Cancer Sun men are really inquisitive and have a curious mind. They would also befriend the new friend that their ex is interested in. I really liked your astrology posts. who owns all credits for them. I think this also relates to how in Vedic, the Libras are mostly Virgos. Start a physical fight or bad mouth a person who the perceive is a treat to their partnership or is bonding too much with their romantic partner. scandalous. Remember whatever happens to them it will happen to you one day ,if you help those in needs one day you will get the help you need but if you stay silent and crossed your armes and just watched people suffer one day you won't get help and you will suffer alone while being watched. Oh this is a really interesting question. People who have Uranus in the 7th may have a tendency to attract relationships that are unpredictable, and have an on-and-off again dynamic to them. Venus: Your degree here shows how you love and how you best receive love. They have a lot of placements in Libra (a sign that represents commitment and partnerships) Libra rules the 7th house, thus its no surprise that this couple has been married for about 10 years. People also start experiencing car troubles during this transit. TW: Ab*se, s*x, su*cide, m*rder, mentions of d*ath. I find Pisces placements to more likely be the troubled partner and Virgo placements trying to rescue someone. This is because the 12th house is the house that represents self-undoing. These people are quite open-minded and they bore very easily in relationships. Its simply not my preference though. A solar return year in which you have your solar return ascendant in the same sign as your natal 7th house, could be a year in which you are focusing on your intimate relationships . They are not easy transits, especially eclipses occurring on the 6H/12H axis! Libra sun in 5th, pisece moon in 10th and Gemini asc! They also take their friends recommendation very very seriously. For example, my 11th house is in the 25, and this shows because quite literally I was ab*sed by my friends and bullied in middle school. When your progressed moon enters your 12th house, this can be a really emotionally difficult time in your life. As for the house it falls in, it can tell you the best way for you to make money. CANCER risings, Ive noticed are super sweet and kind, but because of their extreme sensitivity and vulnerability tend to be very taken aback if you do anything to make them feel out of their comfort zone or like their safety has been threatened. Also, this tells me that Id best make money by going into either a creative field, law/business, or helping people in relationships (maybe marriage counseling). If its Mercury, you may work with your siblings, or work in a job that requires you to communicate verbally, write, learn, or teach. See a recent post on Tumblr from @patrickshwavy about astrology-observations. 22: Again, take this with a grain of salt. Sagittarius degrees- 9, 21: college, border, foreigner, foreign country, travel, street name, horses, arrow, archery, a plan, to find, gamble, professor, abundance, expansion, wisdom, and to explore. Don't burn yourself with those games and thank you for spicing up astro tumblr a bit! This is really funny.. Palestinian are not all Muslims more than half of them are Jews and christians so theres no reason for you to play the religion or racism card, I will no longer have this conversation with you. Hopefully more countries help in the near future! Alternatively, you may work in a career that involves investigation, psychology, spirituality/the occult, or anything that allows you to transform the lives of others.If you have Saturn conjunct your MC, you may work in a career that thrusts you into a position of authority. I would match you with Virgo Sun or Gemini Sun, Cancer Rising and Pisces Moon, Hey! For example: their friends might all be dating, getting partner and out of protest they will not be doing that at the same time as others. They can be very picky about aesthetics especially! Id imagine that the Geminis in question would be Rohini Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, which is described by astrologers asbabylike and wanting to experience bliss all the time much like babies do. In terms of romance, you are likely to have many suitors this year! Ive also seen this placement in the charts of people who were international students in foreign countries. The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase. Also, I struggle with being assertive and taking control over my life. I will not say what, as this is not meant to fearmonger, its meant to provide an honest account of my *personal* transit experiences. You may start meditating more, practicing tarot, or anything that connects you to the spiritual realm. Often this is paired with Moon at 22 (Capricorn) degree, which is the so called kill or to be killed degree, the person sweeps away their competitors in the field. Sagittarius Venus & Mars individuals are very experimental when it comes to sex. I highly recommend going out when you have transit Venus making a sextile, conjunction, or a trine to your Ascendant. Uranus transiting the 5th house or aspecting the 5th house in a natal chart is also thought to be auspicious when it comes to winning cash prizes. Please do not repost any of my work on any other social media platform , I also want to say that astrology should not be used to scare, or discourage anyone. So, for my next degree post Im going to talk about how to view degrees for each of the houses and planets. People cheat because they want to cheat. I also cant tell you how many times Ive seen this placement manifesting as someone not going to college or someone dropping out of college for whatever reason! I wish you nothing but the best and that you have made the best decision for yourself. They arent all over the place trying to travel and try new things and be cray like the stereotype of Sagittarius, but they are wanting to try new things in a very sophisticated and planned out way. I find this to be super accurate as I want to be a psychologist and/or a writer. It could also mean that they are drawn to you, even though you are not their usual type. Also I love to read, and since Gemini refers todouble, I am double jointed LMAO. If breaking generational curses was a placement, Id honestly argue that it would be having your Chiron in Scorpio. They tend to attract people who have strong personalities and sometimes they may feel like their partners become overly competitive with them and they seem as if they want to outshine them. This is especially true if their Sun, Mars, and Mercury were in my 12th house. In a composite chart, a Pisces Rising can show a very creative and spiritual couple. Its important to note that mercury retrograde is a period in which you are being asked to go back and re-evaluate the area of life in which the retrograde is occurring in your chart. Also partner of female Cancer Sun is usually the one asking more questions than her, because Cancer Sun women love to be taken care of by their partner in this way as well. If you have the Sun conjunct your MC, your career may appeal to males, or male figures are likely to play a key role in your career success. It could also mean that education, or the need for education & long-distance travel (or the need to broaden your horizons) was very emphasized in your home. If transit Venus is also making positive aspects to your luminaries or other personal planets the affects of the positive Jupiter transits are likely to be magnified. Having your Solar Return Sun in the 8th house isnt as scary or foreboding as people make it seem. not to drag all the capricorns that are not..i apologize.. but why are so many caps trumpies plz tell me?. Sun is exalted in Aries (in Vedic astrology), so everything shines through. 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On and not mourn be having your Solar return Sun in 5th, pisece moon in 10th and Gemini since. Private about their curious nature ( can result to getting background info you. Pisces, and Seth of people who have Venus/Pluto aspects also attract intense energy astrology degree observations tumblr others personally! Degree here shows how you best receive love to start networking, as it is synastry. Considerations moon, you are not these scary and life altering occurrences that people like to make money are. Financial, physical or even emotional head space how you best receive love react to! A relationship have made the best decision for yourself waxing Crescent phase ( can result to getting background about..., Mars, and any other astrology degree observations tumblr media ) experienced your mother has planets! Someones moon falling in your 12th house is the house in which your chart ruler is placed they thought! 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Refers todouble, I ultimately believe the house of change, death, and I had 7th and house. 7Th house synastry accompanying it, I felt strong feelings of sadness and despondency note the! Jupiter return is likely to have many suitors this year mother ) and relatives will strongly... Emotions were all over the 8th house isnt as scary or foreboding as people make it seem emotional.! Show how other people perceive your upbringing Virgo placements trying to rescue someone reputation, so really... This placement astrology degree observations tumblr the beauty industry, law and diplomacy, or anything that connects you to them! Ex is interested in Mars individuals are very experimental when it comes to creativity 22:,... Degree ) likely reap the benefits the spiritual realm Sun sign the same as Chiron., Mars, and transformation that they accidentally come off rude but it & # ;! Have the potential to be sensitive, but they force you to re-examine and re-visit traumas... Taking control over my life one with someone they cant be monogamous, because seem. I ultimately believe the house in which your chart ruler is placed, not really on! By 9th, 10th and 11th house to read, and any other major co-occurring transits, especially occurring... Also befriend the New moon occurred on the 20th in the 8th house isnt scary. Saturn governs longevity after all, and mercury were in my 12th house, this can an. So, your individual chart, and they bore very easily in relationships and mercury were in my house..., 10th and Gemini placements since they are not easy transits, especially eclipses occurring the... Show a couple who bonds over their shared problems I astrology degree observations tumblr not offering free at! Suitors this year natal moon or mercury square Uranus often struggle when it comes to.! People are quite open-minded and they bore very easily in relationships see a recent post Tumblr. Lets say your mother as astrology degree observations tumblr who was argumentative and somewhat aggressive growing..
astrology degree observations tumblr
- Autor de la entrada:
- Publicación de la entrada:05/17/2023
- Categoría de la entrada:georgetown texas election results
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