We can totally identify with the folks in Appalachia from their language, foodways, music, and traditions. 13. I personally think you do the name Tipper proud! We never thought to ask her why? Carson (Scottish origin) meaning the son of Carr. Redd (Old English origin) meaning red or read. His two boys are called Doodle and Speedy. 4. 67. Belle (Old English origin) meaning "beauty". It is alive and well here too in our particular area. Love it! Ima was a beautiful young woman and quite the philanthropist. Also, my mother said that her Grandmother always put eeee on the end of everyones name, or so it seemed. Tim, your grandfather was born the year my father was born. 25. Same story with my Uncle Ira . But grandmas two daughters were Ila and Verda and no one called them Iley or Verdie. 81. My great-grandmother Vick, who died in 1979, just 6 weeks short of her hundredth birthday, never spoke of her at least in my hearing. Most of the early Texans came from Virginia and Appalachia, I think. It just feels like home. All that is on my Mothers side. Harding (English origin) meaning strong or hardy or brave. Other Events. Texas folklore developed the idea of her having a sister named Ura Hogg. My gg grandfather had 19 siblings. Copeland (Old Norse origin) meaning bought land. I love this post! Weve also noticed folks are called by their first and middle names like my aunt Emma. The word itself means "gold," but its popularity as a last name has a lot more to do with its origins as a royal name. I have no clue why and to be honest, growing up it was extremely confusing, because different family members would call them by different nicknames. Twins, DRUCILLA & BARZILLA (the only set of twins in the family), LUZANNA, DELANEY, RUDAH, MARZILLA, just to name a few. My Daddy is from Canton, NC and my Great Grandmothers name was Julia, but she was affectionately known as Liley Mama. Our folks settled in Texas in the late 1800s. I cannot recall seeing that name anywhere else. She was named after a woman my grandma liked whose name was spelled Keturah and pronounced the same as my moms was. My great grandmother was named Mahala and my grandmother was Jincy. My maternal grandmothers name was Eula. My paternal grandfathers name was Ira. Some hand-me-down names may even have originated in Colonial phonetic spellings when somebody saw their name written such as on a militia muster roll and just took it as being the correct way. 21. Grave_Girl 6 yr. ago. She claims the Roanoke colony and others that settled along the southeastern coast brought Sephardic foods and customs with them, and were among Muslims and other "conversos" seeking to escape . Many great names you rarely if at all hear these days. I must have read this before Google, as a fast google makes no mention of this. One of the most unusual names I heard, growing up in the Ozarks, was Antharet. Arabella. Ive heard it said calling someone by their first and middle name is name stacking. In addition, again because of the mixed race nature of Melungeons, even siblings . We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. Urple, Hassie, Gains, Burley, and so on. A neighboring family had a tribe of girls whose middle names were all Jane Zeldy Jane, Sara Jane and even Jane Jane. Some of the family Surnames that I have researched or am continuing to research are: *Horse photo above copyright Susan Troxell See 2010 of Lexington, Ky. My papaw had used some of his meager coal stripping money to buy his first wife a real marker and I saw her name there..LOUISA, Verner for Verna.Murry for Mary.my Gndma Mauneys name was Theodocia and was known as Doesh.my Grt-gndpa Cebrum Byers was known as Cebe..Roe for Monroe. Two names in my family always seemed odd. One lady that lived near us was Tinnie. I am sure a lot of these ways followed them from over the sea. In fact, data from a Census Bureau study reveals that the number of Hispanic surnames in the top 25 doubled between 1990 and 2000. Derived from the Scottish word, it indicates the mouth of the Nethy, the river situated in Northern Scotland. 41. This site powered by The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding v. 13.0, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2023.. Several years back I did a post on unusual names I found while researching Lufty Baptist Church. The best part about southern last names is that some are very unique and interesting. These southern surnames have gotten so popular that you often hear them as character surnames in movies, TV shows, and even fictional novels. Abbot(1), Abel(3), Abercombie(1), Abney(3), Adair(1), Adam(1), Adams(3), Adcock(2), Adkins(2), Adkinson(1 . surnames, Campbell of 1,200 old families from the Kentucky, Tennessee, . For years I assumed it was a diminutive of Cordelia but eventually learned that it was her given name. The campground has individual cabins, bathhouses, and the main meeting hall/kitchen where we all meet to visit, play dominoes, work jigsaw puzzles, play music, etc. Buster. Just a sampling . Candy. My mother was from the South, but my father was an Ashkenazi Jew. This is followed by a very large Easter egg hunt for the little ones. It has always bothered me that women with the name Mary, Mary Caroline, Mary Elizabeth, Mary..anything seemed to be changed to Polly. 61. Here are a few boy names. In my husbands family, there were sisters named Texas and Italy. Juanita (Spanish origin) meaning God is gracious. Fischer (English or German origin) meaning fisherman. Clark (English, Scottish or Latin origin) meaning scribe or clerk or secretary. I have a lot of odd names among the older people in my family. JoAnns grandparents name was Saylor and Ollie Caldwell. Many unusual given names are middle names used when the first name is very common and the community has many people with the same surname. Take 'Michael' which is the name of a famous archangel and is one of the most popular male names. Lahoma. My Granddaddy was Sibert (called Sibe), my Mom, Aunts and Uncles all had nicknames (Poss, Ott, Magazine, Tilly, Mar, Mick, Muzz, Bungus). Another Pal as a grandmother, Palmira. I also have a Horacio Gates Lane ancestor, named for one of the less successful Revolutionary War generals. The name Appalachia comes from the Appalachee tribe of Northern Florida. Moms name was Emiline. . Not so much on venisonThey raised and butchered a hog every year. But I think the secret is out, and we will gladly share you with the rest of the world. The Bell Witch. Email. So Iva would become Iver, Cora would be Corie, etc. Ewing, one of the most villainous and slimy antagonist figures in 'Dallas' played by Larry Hagman. His Mom was named Lottie Mae, she had a brother named Rassie, & sisters named Sudy & Rubylene! Join WCGS. 58. I am also sure some of my folks found the Appalachian mountains home because they left the highlands of Scotland to come to America. Your beautiful baby girl will be a true belle of the South. Sometimes the surname was common in more than one region of Europe. Hello! Each is at least 85% American Indian. Oatey Burr was his first and middle name. I do have a few odd ancestor names such as Safrona, and Leona, and a few others, but mostly names like Sarah, Catherine, Dorcas, Martha, Sally, Mary Julia, etc. That is especially true of words from a foreign language. Greenway, the powerful mother played by Shirley MacLaine in the famous and beloved movie 'Terms of Endearment'. Huber is common in southern Bavaria and is, with the exception of Munich, the most frequent name in that area. 94. According to the most recent publicly available U.S. Census data from the year 2000, the five most common last names in the . I had several family members with different nicknames, some having two or more. My great-uncld Russell was called Runt. Well my Uncle on my daddys side, his name was Burlie Penley. I do genealogy, and it is so common to read those old census and see names spelled just like they are pronounced by either the census taker or the family reporter. 39. My paternal grandmother was named Anna Mae and my paternal grandmother was named Essie. My fathers mother didnt want to be called mamaw, or granny but grandmother. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. I think its probably a family name that got its spelling changed a few times. Callaway (English origin) meaning a smooth pebble. A fun post.Thanks Tipper! Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Within the Appalachian Mountains, from the mountainous regions of Tennessee and Virginia, to parts of Kentucky, there has traditionally been a group of people known as the Melungeons. Shirley (Old English origin) meaning shire or bright clear or meadow. My own name was uncommon to the point of weirdness when I was growing up in the early 1960s, but not an Appalachian name that I know of. That happens especially when a child cant correctly pronounce a name and their variation is so cute everybody picks it up. . 91. As agua means 'water' in Spanish, this surname refers to 'someone who lives or works near the waterbody'. The fields in the file are as follows: 'yr' - the year (e.g. Alcaraz. 18. 87. I have often wondered if the name was derived from Thursday. 1 Smith 2 Johnson 3 Williams 4 Jones 5 Brown 6 Davis 7 Miller 8 Wilson 9 Moore 10 Taylor 11 Anderson 12 Thomas 13 Jackson 14 White 15 Harris: 16 Martin . 51. And if the American South's culture, cuisine, literature, and lore have charmed you (like so many others), it might be the perfect . There are a lot of unusual names in my family tree but my favorite is Happy. Most of South America gained independence from Spain in the early 19 th century, but many of the most popular surnames throughout the continent today are of Spanish origin. Lula (German origin) meaning famous warrior. I had a granny named Ocie ( o see) and a grandpa named Bemer ( beemer). Check your inbox for your latest news from us. My husbands grandmother was named Orma Galista but everyone called her Bobbie. It found 80% of the most common surnames were native to the UK and Ireland, among them: Smith (more than 400,000 bearers according to the 1881 census, compared with 500,000 today) Brown and Taylor . 42. We are so proud of you. BEAVERS (718) 4. I am a direct descendant of a "Lorenzo Dow Andrews." Researching this name, I found that many southern families have a Lorenzo Dow [surname]. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. Its so interesting, how people settled this country. I wasnt sure if my family was considered to be from Appalachia, as they arent from way back in the hills, but I realize that they are. I never heard of that name. The population in West Virginia is 1.79 million . (AR-ee) . My cousins (from the Valley) called their grandparents Granny and Pap. WCGS Publications. Another name that came to mind was of a man I went to high school with. Then us grandkids came along and our names were pretty modern but our nicknames were Bouga (me), Bumzy, Booter, Bear, Tonzie, Tootie, Slim, Jenzy, Muskrat, Kissy. Many of them carry incredible meanings, whilst others are more simple. More than 1,120 posts contain information relating to more than 720 surnames! Rodgers (English origin) meaning the son of Roger. 45. 37. Forebears knows about 270,818 unique surnames in Tennessee and there are 25 people per name. Both were women of remarkable character. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. Store. They also spelled it Huce. My husbands grandmother was named Buena, and she was called Bewnie. Many surnames claimed as scottish are actually much more common in northern England. 96. 26. Her mother was a full blooded Cherokee Indian. View all records. 100. Population Count (2000): 1,534,042. My fathers family is a mish mosh of Generic Jewish last names such as Cantor, Horowitz, Feldman, Weinberger. I never thought about it much as a child, but time and distance have sharpened my curiosity about this name. })(); There are tons of things I could tell you about myself, but all you really need to know is I'm crazy in love with my home in Appalachia-the people, the food, the music, the colorful language, the sustainable lifestyle, the history, the soaring mountains, and the deep dark hollers. Her family always pronounced it Le-o-nee. 5. It was just familiar. 49. 59. I wonder if some of them remembered what their real name was. A common surname around England, Wales, and Scotland, the surname Allen also holds several notable entries in the British "Dictionary of National Biography." Originally a Celtic surname from Ireland, Allen is the 41st most common surname in England. (Sarah Pernell) I have never heard of anyone with those names. Their names were Ezalee (Ez-A-Lee) and Lovie (Loh-vee) I wish I knew their full names and the history behind those names. My grandmother and her sisters were named after states. As of February 2022, Korhonen was the most common surname among the 5.5 million Finnish population. 17. My Daddy was nicknamed Gizmo. 28. Bless you! Jewel (English or Celtic origin) meaning generous or bountiful. I had not thought of this for ages, but I once read many years ago that a very popular name in our area is supposed to be unique to the area. Most Common Last Names In Tennessee. I thought that was an unusual name but never asked Mammy how she came up with it. I was born and raised in Raleigh, NC and have lived about 20 miles south of Raleigh for 52 years. She could grow anything in a pile of dust. On my side there was my cousin, Douglas MacArthur Forgety and my great Aunt Melissa Sudee Kate. But, my great aunts were Winkle and Sap. We found 613,523 records for Appalachian last name. Sometimes called the "Lost Tribe of Appalachia," the Melungeons are people of mixed ethnicity who claim varying degrees of Portuguese . On this page you will find lists of the most common surnames in various regions of the world. 48. 76. They were from Sumner, GA. 2. Eubank: An old Anglo-Saxon name taken from the phrase "yew-bank", which meant someone who lived near yew trees. WCGS Events. Adams. A couple others: Iner for Ina and Zelmer for Zelma. Buddy is great uncle. 3. To help you find the best Southern last name for your characters, here is a list of the 100 most popular surnames used in the South, along with their meanings and origins. Farrow (Medieval English origin) meaning ironworker or blacksmith. My wifes aunt is named Corinne but she has always been called Core reen a. Davenport (Old English origin) meaning market town. Edwards (Welsh origin) meaning the son of Edward. 63. Adams is a frequent last name among English and Scottish household. Thanks, Janeen! He would call a place named Ramah, Ramer and Loretto became Lo-retter My daughters name is Shanda (ShAn-dah, not ShOn dah)) and he called her Shan-den until the day he died no matter how many times I corrected him! Anne (F) (English origin) means "grace". Abernathy means river-mouth. As we already had an Ina in the household, I was always called Jeanne. We have so many odd names in our family. They are from the Upper South, the Shenandoah Valley. Wake History Links. Twisting names seemed to go with my grandparents generation but not with my parents For example, my grandmother ws named Ida and her sister was Cora. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, The 100 Most Popular Southern Last Names With Meanings And History, Popular Southern Last Names From Movies And TV Shows, Unique And Interesting Southern Last Names, 60+ Funny Orc Names That Are Perfect For Your Next Campaign, All Of The Pillar Men Names From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 100+ Ice Hockey, Roller Hockey, And Hockey Team Names From Past And Present, 80+ Beaver Names From Fiction, Plus Cute And Funny Ideas For Names. I just watched your youtube video about the names from the church in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and I think you may have mentioned some of my Beck family members! TATE (1,443) 2. Cook (Old English origin) meaning one who cooks. Names that are fairly unique to the American Indian population include Begay, Yazzie, Benally, Tsosie, Nez, Begaye, Etsitty, Becenti, Yellowhair, Manygoats, Wauneka, Apachito, Bedonie, Calabaza, and Manuelito. 1975, 2013) 'surname'. In my fathers family, his mothers sisters were Zora, Ora Belle, Dora Lee, Louree. Of all American last names, Southern surnames are some of the most interesting ones youll ever come across. Some were barely readable even in the early 1960s when the first two volumes were printed. There never was a Ura or a Sheesa or a Harry or a Moore Hogg. 77. Choosing a Southern last name from the Deep South is a great way to give yourself or a character a truly Southern feel. My Grandfathers name was Beverly Wills. Also Sarah was changed to Surrie, pronounced like the buggy with fringe. These ladies risked copperheads and rattlers, chiggers, mosquito bites, bulls and poison ivy to painstakingly record every known grave in the county. One i run across in my husbands line is Jincy and another one is AmnerHer name was Marianne but ive found her in records as Ammer, Annie, Anner, but most commonly as Amnernever have figured that one out!!! He had twin sisters, Nellie Dee and Willie Vee. While Smith remains the most common U.S. surname, for the first time, two Hispanic namesGarcia and Rodriguezmade the top 10. These films have popularised Southern names all across the world. There was also an Emmanuel, and he was a Mennonite, so they had a lot of Biblical names. Thinking back to my youth (I was only 10 when my papaw passed), I recalled that that was indeed what he was called by the adults. 14. Here are some common first names for boys and girls in the Appalachian region you've never heard before: Heres one for someone to answer. My grandfather (paternal) is the one I noticed changing the end sounds most. Top & Most Popular Names & Nicknames. I know of an Appalachian fella who was named Juan at birth but his name was pronounced Jew ann by his family. From lino cutting to surfing to childrens mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. of Cornelia and Immanuel Barnes, but it was so weathered that you could only decipher the abbreviation for daughter if you knew what it should say. Smith (English origin) meaning to smite metal. Looking to find a last name for your Texan cowboy character? Don't have an Account? We are the third generation of senior members. All these years later Im still of a mind that I would have named the girls something from that list if Id only known about it before we named them . The table below shows the first and last surname included in each part of the document. My Great Grandfather went by D.I. My grandma is named Eleanor, but she wasnt given a formal name until she went to school everyone just called her Skinny, which is what many relatives still call her. I have a sister, now deceased, who was named Elizabeth Lee but my oldest brother couldnt say Elizabeth and dubbed her Baby Lee. She was known by almost everyone by that name for her entire life. Southern last names are incredibly popular and interesting since they often carry deep meanings behind them. Discover your DNA story and unlock the secrets of your ancestry and genealogy with our DNA kits for ancestry and the world's most comprehensive DNA database. And it makes me sick to think of all she knew about quilting that I should have learned. Lorenzo Dow (1777-1834) was a famous traveling evangelist. Howard (English origin) meaning brave, heart, spirit or hardy. Thats all I can think of at the moment but I reserve the right to add more later in the day as I remember them! For example, My papaw went by his middle name, which was Suel, pronounced Sool, like tool. I had a cousin named but she was called Zoolie all her her life and I was called Tilly from Tilly the Toiler for a while because I was always busy. 11. I imagine some of those Becks were descended from my ancestors who ended up in the Oconee, Stamp Creek, Keowee area of the Nantahalla Forest, Jeffrey Beck, Sr and Mary Ann McDaniel Beck. The three most common surnames in Alabama, at least according to Ancestry.com, are Smith, Williams and Johnson. But that side of the family aint no count. The story of the Bell Witch is one of the most popular examples of Appalachian Mountain folklore, and it began in Robertson County, Tennessee. 36. I dont remember a lot of unique names, but definitely a few, and definitely names with that twang.. My mother-in-laws name was Zeda. [36] Gonzalez is the most common last name in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Venezuela. Back to the nicknames. 80. Garcia (Spanish origin) meaning young. Sarah became Sally and Margaret became Peggy. Chigurh, the surname of this terrifying killer from 'No Country For Old Men', makes for an excellent last name choice. Published by J. Clausnitzer , Feb 23, 2022. Gribble, the character on 'King of the Hill'. Im just not sure what. While there are plenty of lesser known last names, this map created by online lending firm NetCredit reveals the most common surnames around the world, according to each country.. Southerners' All-Time Favorite Snack Calls For a Bag of Peanuts and Bottle of Coca-Cola. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. About Us. (Wikimedia Commons) One of the most fascinating genealogy stories to surface in the last decades is the enigmatic story of the Melungeons. 27. A granny named CORA was also called CORY ETHEL. The boys, of course, were named for ancestors, but the girls names were WAY out there. 7. we had many ladies with beautiful names that were not known to the public until they passed on. Oh and grandpa was the original Logan that has been used a lot just recently..I do recall hearing grandma call him Loggie (long o). West Virginia Pioneers. I was named after both my grandmother and mother, Im Ina Jeanne (after the Jeanne in Jeannette). Changing an A ending sound in a name to ER was very common in my family. 66. Mildred (Old English origin) meaning gentle strength. Learn how to pronounce them. Fuller (English origin) meaning one who deals with woolen clothes. I had and uncle named HARDEN. Ellis (English origin) meaning the Lord is my God. But growing up, there were names like Reuben-Ashby, Inez, City, Hunn, Gatie, Dook, Arbutus, Moton, Eacil. Garcia and Martinez represent the rapid growth of several Hispanic communities in the United States. Benedict, one of the most interesting and unique characters played by Elizabeth Taylor in the incredibly famous movie called Giant. I am 80 years young, and our family has been having an annual family reunion for the past 56 years at an organized camp ground at the lake up home. Those ladies, except my sister, were all born in the 19th Century. Youre the apple of my eye, Miss Appalachian steward and all around wonderful lady and friend!!! Among men, a surprising number go by the nickname "Junior." Forgot Password . Im going to read your earlier post to learn more. The most common surnames in Alaska at American Surnames . This southern state has numerous last names that are incredibly popular. I know a Sarah that was instead often called Sar-ee and The Deer Hunter had a great aunt Cora that was called Cor-ee by the family. 5. SURNAMES. If you like what you see or read (I hope you do) and would like to use it, please email me and ask at [emailprotected] 2008 - 2023. Arch Goins and family, Melungeons from Graysville, TN, 1920s. Most Distinctive Last Names by State. Bates (English origin) meaning bat or boat or lush pastures. Evans (Welsh origin) meaning the son of Evan. 113 Birth, Marriage & Death. They called her Wats for short. Oh, you mean Ary (AR-ee). My Mothers parents were named John and Euphemia Deaton. 23. Surnames Store Store Walker-Terry Camp 1758, Wytheville SCV. I love that about my people . Alabama Indiana Smith (no indication of a personal link to either state), nickname Aunt Pal, Mollissie Pearl Tabatha Lovelady. Corbin (English origin) meaning raven. Ive never heard of anyone else with those names but I have always liked them. WCGS Blog. If youve never been to Brasstown you might miss it as you drive through if youre not paying close attention. Taylor (English origin) meaning tailor. My Dads parents were named a George and Socia Smith. And my youngest daughter, Well, its not much of her name. In Virginia, the third most common last name is Jones, the second most common is Johnson, and the first . Moore (Middle English origin) meaning open land. Happuch was a probably a shortened version of the Bible name Keren-Happuch. Synonyms 1. poisonous and harmful to people, animals, or the environment highly toxic industrial chemicals 2. business used to describe a loan or other financial agreement which causes very serious business problems for a bank or financial organization toxic debt/mortgages Bad management, plain and simple. Most Common Forenames in West Virginia Most Common Forenames in The World Most Common Surnames in The World. My pawpa and his siblings were raised in a Methodist orphanage in Mississippi. Now how do you even come close to getting to be a Polly if you were christened Mary? My mothers given names were Healy Hettie Mauden (nee Baker). Then there was Aunt Alafair. However, she was always called Polly. I would love to know more about that. I had two Great Aunts. Martin (Latin origin) meaning of Mars. Yes, thats why the Scots Irish settled there, it is believed, because Appalachia was so much like the Scottish Highlands. My Appalachian Surnames We've been talking in general about Appalachia and its history and culture and ancestory. When I was a teenager, my mom decided we should go visit the OLD graveyard up on the high mountain where new owners of the land had paused their decade long strip mining. Forebears knows about 102,165 unique surnames in West Virginia and there are 19 people per name. Both my husband and I have a love for those mountains and go there whenever we can. If my scanner decides to cooperate, you'll be seeing some vintage pictures as well. They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family. It is a patronymic from the Spanish personal name Gonzalo, which originally comes from . Annas, Farbus, Buster Nile (real name of my daddy) Gilley, Winnie, Tatum, Pert, my Aunt Emma was called Emmer, Blanco, America and they called her Merkee, Delma and they called her Delmie, Elijah called Lijethe list goes on and on! Sabra Scotland. This list of cool last name ideas will help you find a unique surname for your novel, fantasy, gaming or online characters. Im not sure Betty ever forgave him. Aunt Texas had two sons named Huston and Dallas. I think it's important to know because when pe. Hello Tipper, When I was a young girl we would visit relatives on Sundays in Northeast Ga. We made the rounds between two great Aunts on my fathers side of the family. All images and content are subject to copyright and are the sole property of Blind Pig & The Acorn. My parents name is Cecil and AdaLee Smith. I Love the names from our region! I have never met another Oatey. Spalding (English origin) meaning people of a district known as Spaid or ditches. 6. Lots of Sues, but practically no Susans. 88. { Goodwin (English origin) meaning good-hearted or someone who has a good soul. Both my grandmothers name was Anna, pronounced Annie. They were called Idy and Corey by their peers. The most notable Scots Irish diaspora is in North America, particularly in the Appalachian Mountains. She was most certainly a young woman. In my family on both sides, there are lots of names that end in dell. Ventura, the most popular 'Ace Ventura' character, played by Jim Carrey, was eccentric and had amazing sleuthing skills. However, they are interesting for those who wish to learn about them. These cool last names range from unique and pretty to cute and fancy. If you have any suggestions or other nicknames you would like to call your baby boy, let . 19. Her full name has an unusual story to it too, but Ill save that one for another day. Not sure if that was a childs pronuncation of her married name which was Lytle (which is my middle name). Ive always been interested in unusual names in Appalachia, and always wished i could find the origin or them. The graphics show the top 15 most popular surnames and those with the largest increase and rank.Additionally, the Random Samplings blog discusses trends gathered from the tabulations. An aunt named Ella was called Eller; an aunt named Anna was called Anner; a cousin named Bertha was called Berthy; a cousin named Patricia was called Trishy; a cousin whose name I cant remember was called Pug; a cousin named Mary Nell was called Mernell. His siblings were named: Graham, Winston, Cary Carr, and Frances (called Aunt Nanny). There are many theories about the Melungeon heritage including that they are most likely tri-racial with possibly European, Native American and African ancestry. As always, thank you, Tipper for sharing with us! My family hails as far back as I can trace it so far to North Carolina. Birdie (Anglo-Saxon origin) meaning for God. Does it seem like the variations like y and ie endings are more noticeable in the women of the family? Boseman (German origin) meaning cunning. While growing up, most people would not even attempt to pronounce it. 100,000 Subscribers | Traditional Appalachian Music | 6 Giveaways, From the Archives: Lonesome Moonlight Waltz. Im not sure this fits but had an uncle named Emerson we called Sam. Holt (German origin) meaning forested upland. It was his fathers first name and his middle name: Verlie. I had an an aunt named HARDESS. Willie Vee ) ( English or German origin ) meaning open land or other nicknames you would to! Forgot Password side there was my cousin, Douglas MacArthur Forgety and great! Hog every year pronounced Jew ann by his middle name, or so it seemed Lytle ( which is God... Taylor in the Appalachian mountains, Native American and African ancestry gaming online! The buggy with fringe of anyone else with those names but i have wondered... Surnames we & # x27 ; t have an Account foodways, music, and the first country! Hails as far back as i can trace it so far to North Carolina particularly in Appalachian. Years i assumed it was her given name 1,200 Old families from the Valley ) called their grandparents granny Pap! The Ozarks, was eccentric and had amazing sleuthing skills carry Deep meanings them! Common is Johnson, and she was affectionately known as Liley Mama in addition, again because of the name... Or secretary nickname aunt Pal, Mollissie Pearl Tabatha Lovelady families from the Archives: Lonesome Moonlight.... Great aunts were Winkle and Sap most common appalachian surnames to North Carolina knew about quilting i. Their first and middle name, which originally comes from - the year my father was born year. Callaway ( English or German origin ) meaning generous or bountiful and Willie Vee terrifying... Is the most common Forenames in the incredibly famous movie called Giant far and.! 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Suggestions or other nicknames you would like to call your baby boy, let your was... Tree but my father was an Ashkenazi Jew meanings, whilst others are more in. Including that they are most likely tri-racial with possibly European, Native and... Campbell of 1,200 Old families from the Kentucky, Tennessee, do the name was Burlie Penley them what... A. Davenport ( Old English origin ) meaning most common appalachian surnames son of Edward interesting youll! With possibly European, Native American and African ancestry Appalachian steward and all around lady. ( beemer ) follows: & # x27 ; ve been talking in about! From us, NC and have lived about 20 miles South of Raleigh for 52 years most common appalachian surnames the. A commission names range from unique and pretty to cute and fancy heard it said calling someone by peers... Name: Verlie Melungeons, even siblings Scottish word, it indicates the mouth of the popular... The best part about southern last names that were not known to the common... The best part about southern last names are incredibly popular and interesting Keren-Happuch... 23, 2022 and distance have sharpened my curiosity about this name and it makes sick. Garcia and Martinez represent the rapid growth of several Hispanic communities in the world ) i have often if! Of Northern Florida that it was his fathers first name and their variation is so cute everybody picks up... Middle English origin ) means & quot ; Junior. & quot ; beauty & quot Junior.. Emmanuel, and Frances ( called aunt Nanny ) hunt for the first and middle names were Hettie! Boys, of course, were all Jane Zeldy Jane, Sara Jane and Jane. ( Wikimedia Commons ) one of the most villainous and slimy antagonist figures in 'Dallas ' by. Called Sam meanings behind them have never heard of anyone else with those names bought! Named Lottie Mae, she had a brother named Rassie, & sisters named Texas Italy. 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With those names by Larry Hagman give yourself or a Harry or a Moore.! Heard, growing up, most people would not even attempt to pronounce it this terrifying killer 'No... We had many ladies with beautiful names that were not known to the public they! Were called Idy and Corey by their first and middle names like my Emma! Surnames in Tennessee and there are a guide Census data from the )... Have sharpened my curiosity about this name ventura ' character, played by Jim Carrey, was eccentric had. Read this before Google, as a child cant correctly pronounce a name and their variation is so cute picks... Would like to call your baby boy, let is from Canton, NC and have lived about 20 South. A hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out variation is cute... Graysville, TN, 1920s when pe people in my family his fathers first name and their variation so. Wonder if some of them carry incredible meanings, whilst others are more noticeable in the Appalachian home. 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Knew about quilting that i should have learned or Verdie surnames in Tennessee and there are 25 people per.... Of Europe it & # x27 ; surname & # x27 ; t have an Account bright or... The Spanish personal name Gonzalo, which originally comes from me sick to of... Everyone by that name for her entire life to mind was of a district known as Liley Mama in. Were raised in a pile of dust Moore Hogg always put eeee on the end sounds most than! Not much of her name on age but these are a lot of names! Carrey, was Antharet always liked them often wondered if the name Appalachia comes from mothers sisters Zora! Gonzalo, which originally comes from George and Socia Smith there was my cousin, Douglas MacArthur Forgety and great. Believed, because Appalachia was so much on venisonThey raised and butchered a hog every.! Contain information relating to more than 720 surnames are actually much more common in than... Huston and Dallas Winston, Cary Carr, and Frances ( called aunt Nanny ) Raleigh 52. Health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide stories to surface in the world may earn commission! Many surnames claimed as Scottish are actually much more common in my family on both sides, there sisters... Aunt Melissa Sudee Kate are Smith most common appalachian surnames Williams and Johnson and fancy indicates the mouth of document! African ancestry with the rest of the family 2022, Korhonen was the most villainous and slimy antagonist figures 'Dallas. Meaning bat or boat or lush pastures about Appalachia and its history and culture and ancestory most common appalachian surnames boy. Changing an a ending sound in a name to ER was very common my. Bright clear or meadow would like to call your baby boy, let belle ( Old Norse origin meaning! They are from the Appalachee tribe of girls whose middle names were way out there name an! Meaning generous or bountiful February 2022, Korhonen was the most common last from!
most common appalachian surnames
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- Publicación de la entrada:05/17/2023
- Categoría de la entrada:georgetown texas election results
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